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  1. sithious

    Silly post counts

  2. sithious

    Silly post counts

    absolutely. ;)
  3. sithious

    Silly post counts

    ...neither would i! :D
  4. sithious

    Congrats to testuser!

    of course i'm coming ... :D i'll bring the telefunken ... :D
  5. sithious

    Congrats to testuser!

    ... home is where the heart is, ed ... on the bus ... :D and congrats to mr.testuser! :)
  6. sithious

    Introducing: The Hérve-o-lator!

    wheeeeeee! probably the best app ever written for os x ... :D :D have you submitted it to versiontracker yet? lol...!!
  7. sithious

    gotti or no gotti ?

    goatee all the way. have one myself, what else can i say ? :D :D
  8. sithious

    Ok DISSAPOINTED (new ibook)

    ... macs certainly come with everything installed over here in germany... sounds like you're being ripped off somehow. :confused: at least the guys at the store ought to install stuff for you. weird.
  9. sithious

    What's wrong with this pic?

    whooo! scary. :D
  10. sithious

    And the web slowly degrades. Welcome to the anti-pop-up pop-up.

    ... total idiots. that's the kind of thing that makes me not want to see their site ... *sigh* how stupid can the web get?
  11. sithious

    Cult of the Mac

    ... i'll have to ask her ... she was certainly very amused ... (mac user herself :D) :D :D
  12. sithious

    Cult of the Mac

    ... just checked with my girlfriend, she says they normally don't refund on software, unless the customer is really, really pissed, which apparently has been happening quite a lot with xp ... :D
  13. sithious

    moac osx software

    ... oh, i mistook NR to mean number ... i thought you were inquiring about the build number or something ... sorry, no idea at all what NR is ... :confused: :confused:
  14. sithious

    Cult of the Mac

    ... the thing is, there's nothing to get cultish about with windows, unless your name is manicdvln ... all my friends with peecees curse and swear about them constantly... they all hate microsoft, and my girlfriend, who, next to studying, works in a store that sells windows xp, amongst other...
  15. sithious

    moac osx software

    what exactly are you asking?
  16. sithious

    Thought you guys might like a sneak peek...

    ... looking good! the tabs certainly make a difference ... :D
  17. sithious

    weird problem with

    ...thanks for all the ideas, guys ... :D it was apparently the isp, it's started working again... oh well. no idea what was wrong, but at least it's working now ... :D :D
  18. sithious

    weird problem with

    nope, they're the same as they ever were ... thanks anyway ... any other suggestions? :)
  19. sithious

    weird problem with

    ... my dad is using os x 10.1.2 on a 350 mhz imac ... for some reason, gave up sending mails for no apparent reason yesterday. what's happening is this: when he attempts to send a mail, the mail goes to the outbox, the little arrows spin around for quite a while, then they stop...
  20. sithious

    How old are you?

    32 here ... :) born in the summer of '69 ... ed, over the hill? who you calling over the hill? lol ... :D