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  1. G

    iChat buggy?

    iChat shows all the signs of a standard 1.0 release of software. I mean, basic feaures the ability to rename contact's names on the buddly list is not available yet. I see potential in iChat, but we may have to wait for iChat 2 to 'get it right'. You know, I wouldn't be suprised if version...
  2. G

    10:20 PM - Will you be there?

    10:20 PM - Will you be there? No, I'll be home playing with the jag.. My copy rolled off the fedex truck this morning, and now I have to wait till I get home to play.. That and the fact that Apple hasn't seen fit to open any stores in Canada, yet.
  3. G

    Jaguar arrived

    No, but you can install Linux on a PS2. :D
  4. G


    Have you tried GraphicConverter? It seems to read/write every damn format known to man.. including several esoteric ones. It might be able to output your icon files. It's one of those programs that screams to be registered, it's THAT useful.
  5. G

    Jaguar arrived

    I think I speak for the majority when I offer my most sincere *PBTHTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBT* :p :p :D
  6. G

    Jaguar shipped!

    Mine originated in Folsom, CA and is sitting in the sorting facility in Memphis, TN after passing through Cordova, CA. I might just get my copy tomorrow afternoon.. he's hoping.
  7. G

    will Apple ever release a FireWire DVD-RW?

    Makes sense.. and personally, I can't blame them.. afterall, the only way you get iDVD is to buy a Superdrive equiped Mac..
  8. G

    Doing a clean install; do I *need* Mac OS 9 for anything?

    Don't forget about the apps that needs to be initially installed under Classic, then patched to work on OS X. They are still too frequent (Toast for example), and easy to forget about since it may have been a long time ago since you installed it.
  9. G

    will Apple ever release a FireWire DVD-RW?

    Something sounds rather fishy about this.. I can't see why Apple would make them stop selling them. That would be like Apple making everyone stop selling CD-RW drives because Apple sells them in their machines as well. There must be more to it than that..
  10. G

    Jaguar shipped!

    Don't be so sure - it was sent FedEx International Economy, as was mine.. It's doubtful you'll see it until Monday or Tuesday. But hey, I've got my fingers crossed too. I played this little game with Apple once already when 10.0 shipped. It took a week in transit before it reached me in...
  11. G

    Countdown Timer gone!

    I just received email a few minutes ago from Apple saying my pre-order has shipped via FedEx, though they couldn't provide a tracking number (which is normal I guess since they couldn't give me one for 10.0 either). With any kind of luck, I'll have it Friday.. or so I'm hoping.
  12. G

    Countdown Timer gone!

    I see that - they must have been having technical difficulties, because it wasn't there when I posted. I wish they'd hurry up and ship.. I'm getting overly excited.. plus because I live in Canada, I'm going to have to wait a few extra days for FedEx anyways.
  13. G

    Countdown Timer gone!

    Yes - It's trivial.. but I wonder why they took it down with a couple days left to go. My Apple Store order still says 'being assembled'.
  14. G

    Bluetooth Mouse FCC approved!

    And one mouse button.. :D The mouse is always the first thing to be replaced on my Macs.. and usually at the same time as I'm setting up a brand new Mac. One button mice might have the appearance of simplicity, but that reality disappeared around the same time Apple introduced contexual...
  15. G

    Bluetooth Mouse FCC approved!

    Appologies in advance for my ignorance, but how does this relate to wireless mice, microsoft, or especially Jaguar? I don't see the connection? How will Mac users not buying Jaguar make 'lose all there company'? I thought Ericcson made cell phones.
  16. G

    Bluetooth Mouse FCC approved!

    Actually, if you scroll to the bottom of that page, it says OS X 10.1 or higher. My corded Intellimouse Explorer is finally starting ti wig out and almost due for replacing.. might consider getting one of these puppies, err, mousies.
  17. G

    10.1.5 Desktop not updating

    I wish clicking on the desktop would _always_ refresh it, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The problem I find is with network shares.. I can have a finder window open for a network drive, and on occasion I cannot get it to update at all, even when terminal says there's a wack of new files...
  18. G

    10.1.5 Desktop not updating

    The only way to force it to refresh is to restart the finder.. pretty lame actually. I can drop into a terminal shell, and ls the contents but the damn finder refuses to display the new files until I restart it.. frustrating as all hell. Atleast windows has the F5 key, and VIEW -> REFRESH...
  19. G

    I need an SFTP client...

    I have confirmed that there is infact an sftp client accessible via the terminal. And it's free.. :o)
  20. G

    I need an SFTP client...

    I believe there's a version that comes with SSH, which comes with OS X. I'm not at my computer to know if Apple included the full install of SSH. You might want to dropping into the terminal and try doing a 'man sftp' to see if anything comes up.