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  1. G

    shareing win2k and osx with samba???

    First off, since your using a hub, any file/printer sharing you setup is going to be world accessible (meaning a potential hack waiting to happen - especially if MS Windows is involved). To prevent this, you need to use a firewall/router, such as one from Linksys (or any of the other dozen or...
  2. G

    IE 6 for Jaguar?

    Exactly! If one designs for the browser that follows the standard the closest, then the chances of your pages showing properly under other browsers increase dramatically. It's the two-bit "professional" hacks that design for the browsers that follow the standard the least, using proprietary...
  3. G

    IE 6 for Jaguar?

    IE on OS X has been, and likely will be in the foreseeable future, the most craptacular browser out there. Use Mozilla or Omniweb.. both are vastly superior to IE.. and you'll never go back after you start using the privacy features (like blocking popups, third party images [banners], etc)
  4. G

    The faster browser is…

    There are PLENTY of BBSes in operation still to this day.. most have migrated to telnet access though, rather than dialup access.. If you look, you'll find lists of BBS's running PC Board, Wildcat and such programs like the good old days.. and unlike what followed them (ie. usenet, web forums...
  5. G

    The faster browser is…

    Absolutely.. there is NOTHING faster.. however, speed doesn't mean squat if it can't render a page properly either.. so the question is pointless unless you ask "what is the fastest browser that renders pages correctly".
  6. G

    Self built Mac?

    Oh, don't get me wrong.. I didn't say it was noisy.. just it's not silent either.. :)
  7. G

    Self built Mac?

    Except for the hard drive, unless they found some way to read/write to them without it spinning. :eek:
  8. G

    speaking of FTP clients on Mac OS X...

    The only FTP client I found on the Mac that didn't blow chunks, was Anarchy (which I reg'd).. then it turned into total bloatware around the time it became Interarchy. Now I just use wget and ncftp instead.. so much for progress.. and yes, I've tried Fetch, Transit, etc.
  9. G

    Self built Mac?

    I had just purchased my highend G4 tower two months before it came out.. and that set me back enough money.. 'sides, I doubt I could've run two monitors on it back then.. today you probably could with the Radeon 8500.. Was a nice piece.. just too expensive for what it was..
  10. G

    speaking of FTP clients on Mac OS X...

    Why not: ftp> lcd ~/Desktop ftp> get file.mp3 btw, there's a wonderful program out there that I'm still fighting to get ported to OS X, called Midnight Commander.. not many people know about this program, otherwise more people would be screaming for a port. If you've ever used Norton...
  11. G

    What defragger do you use?

    Speed disk works.. from NU7 works fine for me.. You just have to boot uner OS 9 to use it, which is fine because I doubt you'll ever see a defrag util that will work on the system drive, while your booted from it. Also, as I'm sure people have already mentioned before, UFS doesn't need a defrag...
  12. G

    Do You Pay For Shareware?

    Hmm.. the last apps I registered that I found indispensible were: GLterm - much faster than, and now supports ANSI graphics Snak - best OS X IRC client I've found thus far, and second only to BitchX BabelBlox - annoyingly addictive puzzle game GraphicsConverter - like anyone...
  13. G

    iPod HD space

    I dunno.. I just got my shiney new (well, all scratched to hell after 1 day of normal usage) 5G iPod. Anyways, I noticed that there's a good 50M being used by default as reported by iTunes) with the 1.1 firmware. Heck, that's enough room for a full cd of music. Kinda disappointed in that...
  14. G

    once and for all: vim coloring on XFree86

    ############ .termcap ; start copying after this line d0|vt100|vt100-am|vt100am|dec vt100:\ :pa#64:Co#8:Sf=\E[3%dm:Sb=\E[4%dm:op=\E[m:AF=\E[3%dm:AB=\E[4%dm:\ :do=^J:co#80:li#24:cl=\E[;H\E[2J:sf=2*\ED:\ :le=^H:bs:am:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:nd=2\E[C:up=2\E[A:\...
  15. G

    What would you like Apple to make for your computing goodness?

    How about a bigger speed boost for OS X? Seriously, I booted back into OS 9.2 this evening (something I haven't done in about 4 months) and I've totally forgotten how freakin FAST, and responsive, it was. Reminds me of the speed difference I experienced when upgrading from a 603e-150 to a...
  16. G

    They Bounce forever...

    My G4-500 just started doing this the other day as well. I noticed this happening which started yesterday morning when I first powered up for the day. Once I'm logged on, I can open finder windows no problem, but as soon as I try to open an app, I get the BIOD (bouncing icon of death)...
  17. G

    mail program getting open mailbox errors

    Thanks for the tip.. It did it again on me when I just opened it up and found there was a reply, so I'll have to wait for next time.
  18. G

    mail program getting open mailbox errors

    I'm running into this problem rather frequently as well. I've bebuilt all my mailboxes just to be sure, and it's made no difference. Has anyone figured this one out yet? It normally happens on my inbox when I'm opening (complains about it already being open) and on my deleted...
  19. G

    Dreamweaver for X.1

    I'd rather they take their time with DW5.. rather than releasing another dog like DW4 was.. I'm back to running DW3 because of all the (well documented) bugs in DW4.
  20. G

    iPod does Windows (or will soon)

    Found an interesting article on The Register this morning. Apparently a company is making Apple's new iPod compatable with Windows. Read more here.