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  1. tsizKEIK

    What kind of internet connection do you have?

    from my download 2427 kbps my upload 1330 kbps
  2. tsizKEIK

    woman gets riaa suit dropped because she uses a mac

    yes we know... ...theyre called P2P trackers... but ur not allowed to discuss them in here:P
  3. tsizKEIK

    What kind of internet connection do you have?

    my fastest download speed from a server (specifically from apple/trailers) has been 800 kb/s. but the interestin part is when i download more than 1 file. for ex. 1 day i was downloadin a file at 600 kb/s and at the same time another one at 400 kb/s. i would have posted pics but i dont think...
  4. tsizKEIK

    What kind of internet connection do you have?

    i dont know what my speed is exactly. im connected through ethernet. the connection is free(actually included in the rent)(but still is very cheap) but i do have this screen capture from network utility:
  5. tsizKEIK

    Better than Panther... pathfinder 3.0 with major improvements. for any1 interested..
  6. tsizKEIK

    Will 2004 be the year of Apple?

    2004 will be the year for Greece and the Olympic Games in Athens 2004. seriously now... G5s rule. once apple produces G5 laptops then all wintels are doomed:P
  7. tsizKEIK

    10.2.8 Released! Yea!

    damn scott u got me on that one. i was just about to post it whats new ? im in panther now.i cant see.
  8. tsizKEIK

    iBook G4 ???? interesting... could this be true??? maybe if it is.. ill buy one instead of an Alubook and wait 1 year for G5 powerbooks...
  9. tsizKEIK

    INSANE! (Virginia Tech)

    wow. i wanna go work there... do they need a coffee guy or somethin ???
  10. tsizKEIK

    Would apple have been a great competitor if it had bailed on PPC?

    it isnt the chip that makes apple cost that much. and anyway. the G5s are much cheaper than any pc out there with same features (if theyre available)... so.. the statement macs are expensive doesnt apply anymore. and as for: 'Would apple have been a great competitor if it had bailed on...
  11. tsizKEIK


    i encrypted my 10 GB home folder today with file vault. it took quite some time.. (aprox 50 mins). dont none of u try it just for fun...
  12. tsizKEIK

    Don't call it "G5"

    G5 sounds cool. and it scares wintel users :P i like it :P
  13. tsizKEIK


    yeap/ just installed b68 as well same wit me fryke, my finder doesnt crash. btw has any1 upgraded instead of doin a clean install.if yes.. any problems? btw i had never mentioned this but smooth scrolling rocks:P
  14. tsizKEIK

    Napster 2.0! Who cares?

    yeah i apologize as well... but these p2p clients have been dead for sum years now. who cares ?
  15. tsizKEIK

    Advice on purchasing a new mac, IMAC VS G5.

    i wasnt flamin i actually ment what i said. he just bought a notebook. he just ordered an iMac (quoting: this Imac will be my test machine.) he just opened a thread comparing G5 and iMac and asked if the G5 is worth the extra 1000bucks. i adviced him to get the G5 since its the...
  16. tsizKEIK

    Napster 2.0! Who cares?

    yes but audiogalaxy was better :P (at least for house and rap music it was)
  17. tsizKEIK

    Advice on purchasing a new mac, IMAC VS G5.

    post removed for flaming - edx
  18. tsizKEIK

    G5 Speed Tests

    who cares which ones the king... ...over the years intels might be faster 1 year, the next AMDs or Powermacs might be faster. what i consider more imporant is which one lasts more, and which one is generally easier to use.
  19. tsizKEIK

    Advice on purchasing a new mac, IMAC VS G5.

    id get a powerbook for that amount of money. and then. if i gathered more money after a few months, id get a G5 :) a powerbook is fast. it can get the job done and its amazing for on-the-road-work. and if u have extra money on the side, u can then buy a G5 to get the job done even faster...
  20. tsizKEIK

    new powerbooks. damn fast.. I WANT ONE. NOW!

    yes guys. i have to agree with you. its all about processor power and CENTRINOS. yeyyy... thats why the powerbooks are doin good. (And will do much better once they go G5)