Search results

  1. H

    Forcing Networking to only look for one, single WiFi source

    I have done that long ago. Only one entry appears in this panel: my wireless router. However, if I look at the AirPort menu in the menu bar, I always see an entry for each of the WiFi networks that are broadcasting in my vicinity. I don't want to see these at all ... only my own wireless...
  2. H

    Forcing Networking to only look for one, single WiFi source

    I'd like to set up networking under Leopard so that it looks for one and only one WiFi source, namely my own WiFi router. I keep seeing other WiFi sources coming on line and off line, and I do not want these other sources to be noticed at all. I know that it is often desirable to see all the...
  3. H

    Where to find Leopard's Python for reinstall?

    I'm sorry I took so long to reply. I just want to thank you for this useful information. .
  4. H

    Where to find Leopard's Python for reinstall?

    PS: The Python interpreter doesn't exist on my system under /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/, which is where it is being looked for. The error message truncates the missing pathname at 63 characters, even though the correct, full...
  5. H

    Where to find Leopard's Python for reinstall?

    Yes, I understand that the pathname is incomplete. I'm assuming that this is because my Python installation got trashed, and that's why I'm asking where to find the official Leopard Python installation bundle so I can reinstall it. Or am I making a faulty assumption? Thanks. .
  6. H

    Where to find Leopard's Python for reinstall?

    I get the following error when running the xattr command under Leopard (10.5.5): % xattr test.doc zsh: /usr/bin/xattr: bad interpreter: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resou: no such file or directory I presume that this is occurring because of an error in the...
  7. H

    Documentation for QuickTime AppleScript specifiers?

    Ah ... I see. They are attributes of the "document" object. Thanks!
  8. H

    Documentation for QuickTime AppleScript specifiers?

    Can anyone point me to some on-line documentation for all of the specifiers I can use in AppleScript to control the behavior of QuickTime? By "specifiers", I mean those attributes whose values are managed via the set command in AppleScript. For example, one of these specifiers is presentation...
  9. H

    Per-video display attributes with QuickTime?

    I figured out a way to save a MOV file with instructions that it be opened full screen with QuickTime: 1. Open the MOV file in QuickTime. 2. Select Window -> Show Movie Properties 3. Click on Presentation near the middle of the window that comes up. 4. In the lower part of that window, check...
  10. H

    Associating an icon with apps that are opened by an AppleScript

    I wrote an AppleScript program, and I've compiled it and saved it as an application bundle. I use this script to open certain files. I'd like to associate an icon with this application bundle such that any file which is set to be opened by it will be displayed with that icon. How can I specify...
  11. H

    Screen saver not completely controllable via "defaults write"

    Well, I found an ugly, horrible, hacky work-around for this problem. When restarting the screensaver, I now do this: defaults write ByHost/ write idleTime 180...
  12. H

    Screen saver not completely controllable via "defaults write"

    I'm trying to control my screensaver via defaults write under Leopard. I can disable the screen saver via this method, but then, it won't re-enable. Here's what I do to disable it: defaults write ByHost/ write idleTime 0 (where xxxxxxxx is my mac address). This...
  13. H

    Per-video display attributes with QuickTime?

    Some of the files are MOV's, and the rest are MPG's, AVI's, WMV's, and MP4's. I guess I'll just re-save those as MOV's. I can live without the full-screen mode. Thanks for the tip! As for the AppleScript suggestion, above, I tried that, but it's complicated because I have to keep one or more...
  14. H

    Per-video display attributes with QuickTime?

    Is there any way in Leopard to associate QuickTime display attributes with given videos? For example, I might want one video to always show in Full Screen mode, and another video to be shown in Double Size, and yet another to be shown in Actual Size, and I'm looking for a way to store these...
  15. H

    Named desktops in Spaces?

    Do any of you know of a utility that will allow me to assign names to the desktops managed by Spaces in Leopard? They are simply indicated by ordinal numbers in the Spaces menu (i.e., "1", "2", ...), but it would be nice to assign a name to each one of them. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. .
  16. H

    Asynchronous events and Carbon Emacs

    Before I try to find an appropriate Emacs forum or newsgroup, I want to see if anyone here has encountered and solved the situation that I am about to describe. It concerns the use of Carbon Emacs under Leopard. I can run Carbon Emacs inside of a Terminal window by invoking the following...
  17. H

    Cause an arbitrary Unix command to be invoked when opening a file

    Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. .
  18. H

    Cause an arbitrary Unix command to be invoked when opening a file

    I'd like to cause an arbitrary Unix command to be invoked when opening a given file in the Finder. In other words, I'd like /path/to/arbitrary/command FILE to be invoked, where FILE is the path name of the file that I'm opening in the finder. For example, if the file FooBar.quack lives in...
  19. H

    Disable/re-enable screensaver when viewing videos

    I've been trying to use this AppleScript methodology for a while (see below), but it doesn't seem to properly re-enable the screen saver after the video finishes, even though I know that the following line is indeed getting executed: do shell script ("defaults write...
  20. H

    Automatic disabling of screen saver within Quicktime?

    Is there a way to cause the screen saver to be automatically disabled when viewing a video with Quicktime? I know that I can manually stop the screen saver before viewing the video and then manually restart it afterwards, but that's a pain in the neck. I know that this is theoretically...