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  1. voice-


    Heeeeyyyy....these guys are I know who'll be making my next CD purchase. Thanks, guys
  2. voice-


    Never heard them. Downloading stuff (illegally might I add) from the P2P networks as I type. If they hit my taste, I'll pick up some of their albums...
  3. voice-

    Have YOU ordered Panther yet??

    Agreed, that shoudl toss it with any computer shipped after October 8th, not ordered after that date...
  4. voice-


    Great idea! Ripcord, I want this AppleScript on my desk tomorrow morning. Chopchop!
  5. voice-


    Yes, Gia, that's what I'm telling you. I'm a brown-haired tubby little kid with a Nokia 3510 mobile phone, it doesn't even have a color screen.
  6. voice-


    Sorry, no can do, my dad ran off with an 800MHz 15" iMac, a camcorder and a digital camera, leaving me crippled in terms of anything image. And yeah, it's a hard weekend...I'm seriously concidering stealing the PB from the warehouse...
  7. voice-


    Finally figured on checking TNT's website, which could inform me that the PB is in my town, and has been since the 16th. I'd gladly make the trip then, or today if they had told me. I discovered where it was today at 18:40, the office closed at 16:00 and opens Monday. Seriously, TNT sucks.
  8. voice-

    faulty store?

    Anybody tried playing a CD in Windows iTunes?
  9. voice-


    OK, I'm checking my shipment status constantly. 3 times a day, at least, waiting for my PowerBook. Here's what I see: Shipment Picked Up TAIPEI, TP, TW 09 Oct 2003 15:22 Cleared Customs TAIPEI, TP, TW 11 Oct 2003 05:00 Depart Terminal TAIPEI, TP, TW 11 Oct 2003 14:55 Arrive...
  10. voice-

    Thoughts for complete site redesign

    Noticed that that's counting down to the exact second when Panther's released?
  11. voice-

    Initial WiTunes thoughts

    Well, I'm using Windows full-time until my new PB arrives, and I can truly say this is making my days better. Doesn't look as native as the Mac version does, looks more like it's a freak of design (doesn't fit with the OS), but it has all the functionality I wanted and then some :) Thanks Apple.
  12. voice-

    To PowerBook or not to PowerBook, that, indeed, is the question

    Yeah, I saw the 12" and 15" at a LAN this weekend, both looking cute (for lumps of metal)
  13. voice-

    which would you rather have?

    iBook - it also seems to perform better in terms of wireless networking...
  14. voice-

    Will Apple recall new Powerbooks? - Faulty Displays

    From Apple's site: "15.2-inch TFT Display" "1280x854 resolution" It's not the same resolution, just the same size diagonally EDIT: Dammit! You're right, it's the same...
  15. voice-

    3rd Party 54g wireless cards

    I believe Airport Extreme won't be compatible...
  16. voice-

    Will Apple recall new Powerbooks? - Faulty Displays

    No, it's shorter and wider than regular screensif I remember correctly it's 3:2 instead of 4:3
  17. voice-

    Will Apple recall new Powerbooks? - Faulty Displays

    Could it be a 1.25GHz aBook problem? If we could get the specs of those who have the problem, maybe we can figure it out. The higher clock speeds may be a cause, in terms of heat, but a guy over here swears that his 1.25GHz aBook is cold as stone, so I doubt it. I rather think it may be the...
  18. voice-

    Will Apple recall new Powerbooks? - Faulty Displays

    Well, I know what I'll do. I'll save up some money right now, use my new PB for a month or so until Apple has found the problem, fixed it and made a nice stock of new healthy 15" aBooks, then I'll call AppleSupport and complain, get the money refunded and order the new PB with higher clock speed...
  19. voice-

    someone has to post this

    chevy, it's tree, it's not supposed to ahve a point. However, I think it's about Beatles suing Apple Computer for using the same name, or the codenames of OS X builds.
  20. voice-

    Longhorn won't see the light of day until 2006.

    Harvestr: Like uoba said, there are a lot of Mac users who still haven't switched, like the print industry and in turn the graphics industry. Don't know what the problem is now, as Quark XPress is on OS X, but these things take time. Also you mention trust. That's not the issue. The issues...