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  1. L

    Default Folder has me stopped dead

    Got through the safe mode panel (printing services was last, I think). Then it went to a microsoft-like blue screen of death. The cursor moves, but there is nothing else on the LCD, no disk accesses that I can hear. Very strange.
  2. L

    Default Folder has me stopped dead

    I upgraded to the recent version of Default Folder and did not immediately restart as suggested. DF is one of my start up applications and will not complete its startup - gives me the spinning beach ball and keeps me from killing it - Option/Apple does not work and I can't even get into Finder...
  3. L

    If these guys could do it...

    For me, the form factor puts this in completely different category. Having the equivalent of a desktop in my pocket creates a new, much broader, definition of portability, one that's really appealing. I can't imagine why I would ever NOT have this thing at hand. I can live with the small hard...
  4. L

    Getting Rid of Services

    Services Manager allows me to turn off some services, but not delete them. They are still there somewhere, just temporarily un-checked by Services Manager. Where the heck are services controlled by OS X? How does it work? Is there a folder somewhere where they live?
  5. L

    Getting Rid of Services

    actually I logged out and back in rather than re-booting. Next time I'll try just quitting the Finder and see what happens.
  6. L

    Getting Rid of Services

    seems like using a sledge hammer as a fly swatter to have to reboot to get rid of a service.
  7. L

    Getting Rid of Services

    I tried Hogbay notebook one time and decided not to use it. So, I dragged it and its preferences to the trash and emptied. Searched for any other files with the word Hog or Bay or Hogbay, found nothing. Finally looked in my account's services folder with no luck. I can't get HogBay to vanish...
  8. L

    Dream Office Challenge

    Hello all, I'm outfitting an in-home office almost from scratch for a friend. Would like to do as much wirelessly as possible - ethernet/USB wired OK as fallback. Price is secondary to integratability and functionality. - Have a white i-book - two years old with airport card. - Have...
  9. L

    rtfd display

    Well, I've repaired permissions, done a disk check with Disk Utility after booting with a Panther CD, run Disk Warrior after booting with it, and trashed Finder's permissions, all to no avail. A complete re-install is a pain in the ass so I'll probably just live with it. Thanks for the...
  10. L

    rtfd display

    RTFD files are actually folders which contain text and related images, movies, or sound. They are supposed to appear in the Finder as a single entity with an icon. However, I've somehow lost the ability to deal with RTFD files as single files,; instead, they appear as a folder. Getting Info on...
  11. L

    Am I the only one tired of hearing Apple "stole" this and that?

    Apple does not operate to benefit the public, or are they or any other business "moral" except as forced to by law and goverment auditing. Business exists to make profit for its owners, through stock or otherwise. Jobs and others at Apple are not your "friends". They'll sell stuff at what the...
  12. L

    why the long wait for tiger?

    In general I expect there to be an element of maximizing profitability in software releases as there is in hardware releases. Apple doesn't need to be three years ahead of Longhorn - two is enough and allows them to continue to pull enough (not all) interesting new capabilities out of their...
  13. L

    What is virtual PC like?

    Anyone have experience or info about the emulator product at One would also have to have a copy of whatever windows flavor you like to install on top of the emulator. I like the open source nature as opposed to VPC. ...Larry
  14. L

    Airport Card Encryption

    My workplace is finally installing a wireless net. They will be using 128 bit encryption. A number of portable PCs here will have to replace their 802.11 cards because they only support 40 bit encryption. Anyone know the number of bits sukpported by the Airport card?
  15. L

    Synchronizing Mail with Outlook Exchange Server

    I want to work with Mail offline by syinchronizing with the server. My server is MS Exchange, using IMAP as the protocol. Exchange has a large number of Public Folders, which make my sychronizing glacially slow. I want to be able to choose which folders to sych with, and which to ignore (the...
  16. L

    Mini IPod Prices

    An assumption on my part, apparently mistaken - I agree with other posters that the price is way to high and the product is not enough differentiated from the 15GB model. I'm still interested in the comparison between disk and flash, though.
  17. L

    Mini IPod Prices

    Isn't there some advantage to flash rather than disk? Maybe it's more robust for joggers and others who move the pod around vigorously? Maybe flash has a longer expected lifetime than disk?
  18. L

    How many iTunes songs have you bought?

    I've only bought about 15. On the down side, I've spent a LOT of my time, which is worth something, ripping CDs and turning vinyl into digital. The main reason I've limited myself is because of the inability to turn purchased music into MP3 easily. I don't have an iPod, but I do have CD portable...
  19. L

    Mail and Outlook Exchange Server - Advice Needed

    Exchange has a Public Folder area, with lots of folders and sub-folders, which shows up along with all my personal folders in the Drawer. When I synchronize, I get lots of server error messages (access denied to the Public folders). This is very annoying since I'm not interested in anything in...
  20. L

    ITunes 4

    Of course - should have seen it myself. Thanks.