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  1. K

    Microsoft to tweak Office for Macs

    Just to weigh in on th email client debate, neither Mail nor Entourage are any good at handling large volumes of archived messages. SLOW window redraws, scrolling etc. And the fact that all of my attachments are IN my database drives me nuts. Whatever happened to just choosing an attachments...
  2. K

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    OK, I'm not up on the rumours and such for upgraded 15" PBs, but here's my take on the situation. The 15" was updated in November or so. New 12" and 17" came out in January. Apple has traditionally waited 6-9 months between revs. What are the 15" PBs missing? Aluminum (or Aluminium for you...
  3. K

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    I can't be the only one who thinks the 17" PBs are just kinda dumb, (and the 12" PB - see above) can I? I mean, sure the screen is big, but isn't it kinda large. And I'm not talking about weight or mass, but area. A panel of sheet rock isn't thick, but it's still a pain in the ass to carry. I...
  4. K

    Complete newbie lookin for a Mac

    I just faced this same question - which portable to get? If you can afford a Powerbook, go for it. Personally I think the 12" PB is kind of a little Frankenstein and would stay way from it (no lvl3 cache/ 640MB ram limit/ excessive heat/ tiny screen/ etc). None of these things except the heat...
  5. K

    Resellers sue Apple over sales tactics

    Yeah, I guess that was worded a little badly, but you get my point - they are going into strong markets, made strong by reseller presence and/or population density, rather than taking risks in areas they haven't traditionally sold a lot of machines into. THAT would be a good thing and a real...
  6. K

    Resellers sue Apple over sales tactics

    Uhm, have any of you ever worked for an Apple reseller? Apple cororate are the biggest bunch of ****** I've ever had to deal with. They royaly screw their resellers routinely. They are not as wonderful as their product. Demos? Are you high? Those machines on the floor are stock. Apple...
  7. K

    OS X on Disney Channel

    Disney sucks. Toontown is pc only. I, I mean my kids, really want to play it. Until I, er they can play it on my iBook, Disney sucks. Blow me goofy.
  8. K

    why does os9 not see my slave drive?

    Maybe it doesn't make enough money. Hahah! Sorry, couldn't resist. Uhm, so if I understand, diskwarrior DOES see it when you boot normally? And, I haven't used a newer version than 1.x of Diskwarrior, but it used to not defrag, just repair directories. I guess that's all moot though...
  9. K

    my powerbook! hardrive probs

    Sounds to me like your drive is corrupt, but it showing up as an external drive is x is just plain wierd. Do you have any extra ram in it? If you do, pull it out and see what happens. If you had a copy of Diskwarrior, I'd suggest trying that, but if not, probably best to take it into a repair...
  10. K

    os9 won't install

    Not true. If the machine shipped with 9.1 or 9.2.x and your retail cd is 9.0, it won't work. Can't. If it's a bad copy, then that is a whole other matter.
  11. K

    Mac Os 9 Wont Install On Osx New G4!help Me!

    Well, your problem here (aside from YELLING at us all) is that you have a german OS9 cd, not that OS9 won't install. Therefore it is possible, isn't it? Yes Apple wants to force everyone to use OSX (and eventually they will force everyone), but right now you still have the option of booting...
  12. K

    os9 won't install

    This is most likely your problem. It's not booting for 1 of 2 reasons: If it's a retail disk: your machine shipped with a later version of OS9, therefore the resources needed to boot the machine are not available on the OS9 retail disk. If it's a copy included with a computer: your copy of OS...
  13. K

    No AppleWorks in new PowerBooks?

    So because he doesn't think every Apple product is amazing makes him ineligible as a Mod? He gave his opinion. It may have been an uninformed one, but so what? What frightens me is that you seem to have taken it personally (ie. his character is questionable because he doesn't agree with you...
  14. K

    No AppleWorks in new PowerBooks?

    Just for the record, Apple doesn't include Appleworks with their Professional machines (PowerMac/PowerBook) because they assume that 'power' users will have very specific needs/uses for their computers, requiring specific software (ie. protools for the audio guys, photoshop and quark for the...
  15. K

    12" PowerBook G4 in fact is a 12" iBook G4???

    I dunno, after looking at the 12"s side profile (looks 'chunky' and the screen frame is wider) and the specs, I tend to agree. Changed the casing material and a few other small things (combo drive/graphics chip, etc) put in a G4 and called it a powerbook. So the masses wouldn't get onery about...
  16. K

    FireWire 2, USB 2 - When on Macintosh?

    Uhm, that's not what I was suggesting. As long as firewire is around, I don't expect to see USB2 on a mac. I have no idea what you're saying here. That I don't use firewire much has nothing to do with it's lifespan (unless I'm the computer equivalent to the nielsen family and no one told...
  17. K

    Uninstall Apple Remote Desktop Client

    No, actually that's not it. It's still in the system preferences. I don't see it in the preference panes though, so I'm not sure where it's hiding...
  18. K

    Tokyo MacWorld Canceled

    And another thing - aren't these supposed to be aimed at developers, not consumers? I always assumed that the only reason these shows exist is so that developer Z can show off his new software/hardware (look, it's designed for the iMac, it's translucent) and get some press. Public attendance...
  19. K

    FireWire 2, USB 2 - When on Macintosh?

    We won't see USB2 on a mac until firewire's cold stinking corpse is forcing people to leave the room. I have to suspect that there are some unforseen roadblocks to firewire2, or we should have seen it by now. If only for bragging rights (I sure as hell don't need it - I'm barely using firewire).
  20. K

    Tokyo MacWorld Canceled

    Proably to help keep their stock prices steady. They wised up to the fact that the expected hardware anouncements at these tradeshows were hurting them more than helping them. When they came through, everyone was happy, but when you're expected to pull new hardware out of your ass every 3...