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  1. Z

    Connecting to another computer through two airports

    The Airports are already physically connected to the same ethernet hub. I just upgraded to 10.2.2 and made some other changes. I will see if that works. Zeff Wheelock
  2. Z

    Connecting to another computer through two airports

    I have found that if I try and connect to another computer through another airport, it won't connect. If I come in range of the airport that the computer I am trying to connect to, it works. I have a graphite and the snow airport to encompass my house. Are there any settings I have to do to...
  3. Z

    Ripping CDs with iTunes in batch

    Are there any CD Readers that support 400 CDs? I know that there are 400 CD players, but do they have a computer interface? A USB or Firewire port? That would work, but would not get the information about the CD. That is why I thought that an Applescript which would go out to CDDB and...
  4. Z

    Ripping CDs with iTunes in batch

    Is it possible to rip CDs, get the info from CDDB, and go to the next CD? I would like to take a 400 disk CD player which could hook up to the Mac and then one by one go through each of the CDs until all the CDs have been ripped. I would like to know if: 1) this would be possible 2) what...
  5. Z

    HP Photosmart 1315 and Print Sharing

    Well, finally fixed my own problem. Turns out that I had 10.2 on my TiPBG4 and 10.2.1 on my Cube. Upgrading to 10.2.1 seemed to work perfectly.
  6. Z

    HP Photosmart 1315 and Print Sharing

    Has anyone gotten Print Sharing the HP Photosmart 1315 to work? I have the followikng setup: Cube Ti PBG4 iMac Network: Airport Printers: Apple Laserwriter Plus HP Photosmart 1315 Laserwriter Plus is communicating over a Localtalk bridge. I have the 1315 connected through a...
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    photosmart and jaguar

    They have not released the driver yet for Jaguar. I have been checking this page: I got a message back from HP stating:
  8. Z

    Apple TiVo??

    MacOSRumors is reporting a TiVo like device as the next digital lifestyle. I wonder how Apple will make it better... Besides making it a lot more intuitive, of course. Zeff Wheelock
  9. Z

    and you thought 130 was alot for jaguar

    I first found out about the CompUSA snafu through the register: I liked their take on the story. Zeff Wheelock
  10. Z

    and you thought 130 was alot for jaguar

    Looks like someone typed in the release date for the price. Even there, they mistyped the year...
  11. Z

    Where is

    The two web sites are mutually exclusive. MasOSRumors talks about Rumors on the whole Apple front. MacOSXRumors talks about Mac OS X upcoming features in developer releases. Zeff Wheelock
  12. Z

    HP Photosmart 1315 and USB Print Sharing

    As I remember, probably incorrectly, I thought I remember that the USB Print Sharing disapeared. I will check again. I will wait for 10.2 for the Print Sharing again as I have only one machine with 9.2.2 and 2 machines with 10.1 Zeff Wheelock
  13. Z

    Official MacWorld Keynote Discussion Thread

    I am a bit disappointed that iTunes does not support cross-fading to CD still. I know I can do it in the play lists, but I would like to do it to CD so I can listen to it in my car. Guess I will have to get Jam for that. Zeff Wheelock
  14. Z

    Picture of you iPod Set Up

    How is your iPod mounted on your dash? Velcro? Zeff Wheelock
  15. Z

    6C9X build tested here.

    I have a HP 1315 printer and the HP installation disables USB Prnit Sharing. I hope that it will not disable the 10.2 version.
  16. Z

    6C9X build tested here.

    Is USB Print Sharing still missing from the new 10.2?
  17. Z

    HP Photosmart 1315 and USB Print Sharing

    Has anyone have any suggestions on sharing the HP 1315 through USB?
  18. Z

    SparkME & iTunes

    I experimented with SparkME and was able to get two MP3s into it and create a cross fade. Questions I have: 1) Can I use iTunes Burn to export to CD with the cross fading or do I need to install Toast? 2) When I do burn the CD, will it be as one track or separate tracks per song? 3)...
  19. Z

    SparkME & iTunes

    It allows you to cross fade, but not cross fade down onto CD. I would like to cross fade to the CD. Sorry, I was not clear on that point.
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    Needed iTunes Improvements

    I would second that. I am now trying to figure out how to use SparkME to do that.