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  1. B

    Mail not seeing some mail...

    I tried that and you have to have a specific email message selected in order to have that option. Since I can't see the emails, I can't select them so all of the view>message options are grayed out.
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    Mail not seeing some mail...

    OK, I did some more experiments... It seems to be something in the signature. When I forward the email from one of the clients to myself and delete the signature AND the text/html file that is attached, I can see it, bit not if I only delete ONE of those things. Anyone have an idea?
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    Mail not seeing some mail...

    Nope.. That didn't work, but thanks for responding. :-) I think I remember someone giving a suggestion about fixing Mail issues over on Apple's forums and the process they described didn't work either. I'm assuming it's something within the email that's causing this, but the two people I can't...
  4. B

    Mail not seeing some mail...

    So, I have two people who send me email that can not be seen in Apple's Mail. I can see the email via webmail so I know it's there and hasn't been caught by the server's spam filter. I also know it's not being caught by my Mail's filter or any specific rules I've made because a simple search of...
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    AirPorts says I'm connected, but I'm not.

    During one of my attempts to get connected again, I plugged the modem directly into my iBook and it worked fine. When I went back to the wireless setup It took my a couple restarts and a restart of the Airport Express to get it going again, and something told me at the time that it was all...
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    AirPorts says I'm connected, but I'm not.

    I guess I define "not connected" as meaning that in Safari or Mail, it acts as if I'm not connected. No web sites will load etc. As far as the signal strength goes, It's acting as if there is NO signal at all, but in both places (internet connect and menu bar) it shows a very strong signal. I...
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    AirPorts says I'm connected, but I'm not.

    I tried to search around for a previous post about this, but I couldn't find any. Just point me there if this is a common question. OK, here are the particulars. iBook G4 1.2/AirPort Extreme/AirPort Express/Cable Modem. Ever since using this wireless setup, I run into problems with a...
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    Default browser in Panther

    Hey folks. Have any of you tried this: It doesn't say if it works in Panther, but it's worth the try. I just needed to set my default browser so the way it works now seems fine, but if you want to set any other helper applications for...
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    GPS Software for Macs

    Yep, my GPS software for the Mac is called Virtual PC. I'll sign your petition. It would make Geocaching a whole lot easier! Uh...what is geocaching? Go here:
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    OSX or Hard Drive? Hmmm.

    Just the other day, something strange started happening to me in OSX. It seems that any time an application (ie installers) or the finder needs to search for something, my good old Silver G4 grinds to a halt, well, not exactly a complete halt, but it may take 5 minutes for a simple search to...
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    Safari Bookmarks: two thoughts

    No, really. Is there a way? I know this is bad form to just get this subject back to the top, but this question is bugging me.
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    Safari Bookmarks: two thoughts

    Is there a way to sort bookmarks by name? Am I a big idiot? Dragging bookmarks into a folder puts thewm at the bottom, but I would like all the folders to be alphabetical.
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    Cute little address bar icon in Chimera... How?

    I tried to get this working, but to no avail. I used a shareware program called...sheesh, I'm on a different machine and can't remember what it's called. Anyway, when I saved out the .ico file with the specs listed above and in the webmonkey article, it still doesn't show up. In OS X the file...
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    Icon in address bar

    Thanks. I guess I didn't look hard enough to see if it was talked about here before.
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    Cute little address bar icon in Chimera... How?

    What other browsers besides Safari and Chimera can see these little icons? Macs and PC's included.
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    Icon in address bar

    I have a question that might not be best posted here, but here it goes. How can I too have a custom icon show up in the address bar and bookmarks when people go to my site in Safari? This site does it as well as VersionTracker, Apple and PayPal.
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    I Want to Put in a New Word Startup Splash

    I believe MacAdict had a small article about doing this a few issues back. It may have been an OS 9 hack though and It may have been Expolorer. Anyway, if you have the last few back issues give a look.
  18. B

    Window title bar moves behind OS menu bar.

    Which Prefs do you mean? It happens in both Explorer and Now Contact. Seems like a OS X problem, maybe a conflict with some other software I have installed. I didn't want to remove every little thing one at a time until I figured it out. I was hoping that some one else had seen this before and...
  19. B

    Window title bar moves behind OS menu bar.

    Just what it sounds like. the top of my Explorer window (the title bar) often suddenly disapears behind the Mac OS X menu bar. I've found that it also happens in Now Contact. So what I get is a window that I can't close or move around unless I do a command-w and open a new window and go back to...