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  1. ora

    How to Become?

    Ah cool, as we can't help with illegal/against eula use.
  2. ora

    How to Become?

    Wait so you lack ADC membership but have Snow Leopard (which is decidedly not out yet). Download that off the interwebz did you?
  3. ora

    What Would You Like to See at

    Some of these systems add the chat box to all pages at the top, somewhat intrusive but it means people see it and are more likely to use it. Certainly i prefer these to the 'flash chat' systems you have to separately log in to.
  4. ora

    What Would You Like to See at

    There are some pretty decent chat systems that can pull user names and groups of the main vb user database now, other forums I use have them.
  5. ora

    Editing an EXE file help.

    Good man :) (or woman!)
  6. ora

    i want a short password

    Fair enough, the worry is though that these days you need no skills to get these programs. :) Anyway, as I said I looked around and found no way to do what you desire.
  7. ora

    i want a short password

    Well a 1 character password will kind of waste all the effort of securing everything. If anyone tried a brute force attack (basically randomly trying password, the simplest cryptographic attack) they will open everything up in microseconds. I did look around but found only one mention of...
  8. ora

    Editing an EXE file help.

    Well it sounds like you are trying to use someone else's work without giving them credit, if you want something you can use without credit you should look for an alternative or write one yourself.
  9. ora word association!

  10. ora

    macbook pro and outlook express

    Outlook express is a windows application not a web service, you may mean Outlook Web Access, which is a web based service. This you can open with any browser on Mac, though you get the older version without drag and drop on all platforms except windows IE, If you need a fully functioning mail...
  11. ora

    Please Help! Images disappearing: Pages to Word

    I agree with MisterMe, I am also among other things an editor and much as I love apple, Pages is simply not an option. I use Office for Mac 2008, along with a virtual machine running Windows with Office 2003 and 2007 for editing. Editing in a different OS/programme to the original is just too...
  12. ora

    cant see firewire device

    Command is the apple symbol :)
  13. ora

    Recording using iSight.

    VLC will capture from the iSight I think. Get it here, launch and hit apple-R.
  14. ora

    What is your current highest PID?

    10863 Uptime 5 days though after some weirdly glitchy behaviour I needed to restart, and will have to shut down later today for a flight.
  15. ora

    New Xserve and RAID to be setup

    Nodes is cluster-speak - I am jealous ama!
  16. ora

    Safari 4 final - i miss the top-tabs!

    It is an odd thing, I hated them at first, the way the tabs were at the top of the window, but I got used to it real fast. Also it saved a little screen space, which is precious on my 13" macbook. Now back to the 'normal' tab display it looks...wrong. What do you folks think? Any chance...
  17. ora

    Connect to shared server automatically at startup

    I believe you can drag a connected server to the sidebar/dock, then clicking it for the first time on each start-up should connect (assuming your username/password are in the keychain).
  18. ora

    Parallels Networking

    Transported just means he used Parallels Transporter to move an existing installation from elsewhere to Parallels, it has no connotations of piracy. Mark, I'll check how my parallels is set up and post back if i find anything different between my setup and yours.
  19. ora

    My 6 day old 2.0 Ghz macbook is outdated!

    My unibody macbook is 3 months old - of course I wish I had the newer one (though the differences are very slight - the fw800 would have made life easier though and the screen on this machine ain't great versus the 15" mbp I had before) but I needed it for work at the time, and could not wait so...
  20. ora

    Limited functionality free mp3 editing software?

    Audacity is a pretty major open source audio editor that can edit mp3. Imperfect but free!