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  1. bobw

    "untitled" hard drive on desktop

    To rename your computer hard disk drive in Microsoft Windows, open My Computer. From My Computer, right click the drive you wish to rename and click Properties. Within the Properties window, type the new name in the "Label" box and click ok.
  2. bobw

    Mac is Freezing

    Don't use Firefox for awhile and see if you still have the freezes.
  3. bobw

    How to completely uninstall corrupted aol on mac

    Open Activity Monitor in your Utility folder and see if anything AOL related is running. Then download and run EasyFind for AOL. It will also find any invisible files, and you can trash from it's window.
  4. bobw

    Mac is Freezing

    Format the drive and reinstall OS X and nothing else and use it. Leave any devices disconnected for this. If it freezes, call Apple if the geniuses won't help. Did you add extra memory, or did you buy it from Apple with 2GB?
  5. bobw

    Consequences of Canceling .Mac

    Canceling will also cancel Backup. SuperDuper will work fine.
  6. bobw

    Batch change iPhoto sizes ?

    You could use an Applescript in the Finder. -- save in Script Editor as Application -- drag files to its icon in Finder on open some_items repeat with this_item in some_items try rescale_and_save(this_item) end try end repeat end open to rescale_and_save(this_item) tell application...
  7. bobw

    Scanner connection - it's yes - it's no.

    SilverFast has the Twain plug in you can use, but it's not free.
  8. bobw

    Is this legal?

    We offer the software for downloading only, it means that you do not receive a fancy package, a printed manual and license that actually aggregate the largest part of the retail price. In this situation we are restricted in selling the products for private purposes only! Sure looks like it's...
  9. bobw

    Folder Actions auto-enable?????

    I use Folder Actions and it never turns off on a reboot or log out.
  10. bobw

    How do I clear URLS from Safari address bar drop-down list

    Choose History: Clear History, and then quitting Safari. In your user folder, go to Library/Safari and locate the history.plist file. Select the file, choose File: Get Info, and then click on the Locked option. Now close the window. When you relaunch Safari, autocompletion will still work as...
  11. bobw

    Folder Actions auto-enable?????

    Folder Actions shouldn't turn off on a reboot. Try trashing the '' in User/Library/Preferences and restarting. I would also run Repair Permissions from Disk Utility in your Utility folder, and Repair Disk while booted off your OS disc.
  12. bobw

    what happened to my icon?

    Close the System Preferences and open the Finder. Navigate to your Home folder > Library > Caches. Find the following files: dexcache Delete both files. Restart.
  13. bobw

    Macbook Pro DVD Drive - Stopped working!

    Try zapping the Pram. restart holdin Command-Option-P-R keys for three chimes. If that doesn't help, less than a year old, call Apple for warranty service.
  14. bobw

    12" Powerbook Video Problemo :-(

    It means the on board video is shot. You'll most likely need to have the Logic Board replaced.
  15. bobw

    Question Mark At Startup

    Try reselecting your Startup Volume in the Startup PreferencePane.
  16. bobw

    slow startup after security update?

    From MacFixIt; Delete kernel extension caches, other caches for some issues A number of common issues that crop up after incremental Mac OS X updates can be resolved by deleting specific cache files -- specifically kernel extension caches -- and restarting. This can most easily be accomplished...
  17. bobw

    Is there a way to show hidden files in Finder?

    TinkerTool will do this for you.
  18. bobw

    Power Mac G5 1.6 GHz Turns On but Won't Boot

    Take a look here;
  19. bobw

    Signature Size?

    Scott may have put a limit on this. Some people used lengthly signatures.