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  1. Jesse714

    Can't Download Software Updates

    Isn't that exactly what i provided?
  2. Jesse714

    CD Drive always reading after sleep

    Oh correct, Well i don't know if it actually causes harm, but i have always removed them from my computer, i just don't like the idea of them being in there, and then possibly getting stuck in the DVD drive. I thought you mean't remove your DVD drive each time.
  3. Jesse714

    Can't Download Software Updates

    Try doing it manually
  4. Jesse714

    Can't Download Software Updates

    If you right click on the picture, it lets you download it edcc. How do you connect to the internet, wirelessly, ethernet ect. ? Can you use safari?
  5. Jesse714

    NTFS on Mac?

    Did you use boot camp to make your partition?
  6. Jesse714

    ibook g4 will not wake up

    Have you tried to take the battery out and leave the AC adapter in? Take the battery out, and unplug it from the wal, press and hold the power button for 10 seconds let off, and let it sit for a couple of minutes, put your battery back in, and plug it back in and try it again.
  7. Jesse714

    CD Drive always reading after sleep

    All macbooks have that grinding noise, mine sounds the same way, its just the DVD drive powering back on, if its what i think mine does, your in the clear. What do you mean remove the DVD drive? Why would you want to take your macbook pro apart just to remove the dvd drive?
  8. Jesse714

    Problems With Translucent Menu Bar

    If you read through it, it says it will be solid white because leopard thinks your running an older mac, so you could be having some problems with your plist's. try running the 10.5.7 combo update again.
  9. Jesse714

    Problems With Translucent Menu Bar

    Have you ever heard of Opaque? The second picture looks like your problem, are you all updated in leopard?
  10. Jesse714

    Problems With Translucent Menu Bar

    What are the specs on your computer? I think it has to have quartz extreme and core image. So send us your specs and we'll let you know.
  11. Jesse714

    Zombie photos in iPhoto 6.0.6 Library

    Well you just want to delete them? You can open your documents, it will say iPhoto Library- Right click- Show package contents, delete them that way.
  12. Jesse714

    What's better Mac Os X or Macintosh HD?

    OR: You can upgrade (depending on what OS your currently on) Macintosh HD is the partition or Volume name, It's what your current Operating system is installed on. If you click erase and format, then everything that was on that drive before, will be gone, and you will have to do a fresh install...
  13. Jesse714

    Macbook Air OS X Restore CD's

    Well, No Comment for me :) (rules)
  14. Jesse714

    Macbook Air OS X Restore CD's

    Well, Yeah, your copy will work just fine, boot into windows, and then insert your OS X Install DVD, it's auto run, so its pretty straight forward, just hit yes, install. Leopard is 129, but the Retail copy that you have will also work on his computer. Tell him not to buy a new copy of leopard...
  15. Jesse714

    safari is S-L-O-W

    Have you tried restarting your computer? What about restarting your modem and router? Also try turning you Airport off and then back on. :)
  16. Jesse714

    Macbook Air OS X Restore CD's

    Yeah, but deltamac, he said he can't find his original install DVD. You can try to google it, try to find a set thats on I'm sure that apple has the drivers on there site.
  17. Jesse714

    Adding additional internal hard drive

    In my experience you make both cable select on a mac. What kind of mac do you have? I don't think a G3 would really be able to support the extra power from having another drive spinning.
  18. Jesse714

    PATA Hard drive question Its brand new, it has huge letters on the picture. Its a samsung model, the posting says ibook, but if you scroll down a tad, it says all powerbook models. Powerbook G3 (Lombard...
  19. Jesse714

    PATA Hard drive question

    Its a one cable deal, i've made sure, because i still have the old drive, and the connections look exactly the same, It would make sense if the ribbon cable was broken, but like i said, i tried it in two powerbook's just to be sure i didn't need a new hard drive ribbon. When i had my brothers...