Search results

  1. ChoMomma

    FS: Powerbook G3 333/384/20/24x + Extras!!!

    Powerbook G3 333 "Lombard" or "Bronze keyboard" PowerPC G3 333Mhz 512K L2 cache 384 MB of ram (1 128 & 1 256 so-dimm) 66Mhz Bus 20GB Hitachi HD 24X Cd-rom drive 2 Batteries, (1 hour and 4 hours charge) 14" 1024x768 screen ( one vertical row of pixels on far left side of...
  2. ChoMomma

    WTB: Dual PowerMac G4 (MDD or QS) in GTA

    $2000 CAD is about $1436 US for those who want to know.. Not really what I would be willing to sell my DP QS for. Maybe you should look to: They are in Vermont so shipping times shouldn't be too bad.
  3. ChoMomma

    Looking for iBook?

    I'm looking... what are you offering?
  4. ChoMomma

    Powermac G4 for trade

    So I take it you like 2 liter bottles of coke? :D
  5. ChoMomma

    FS: iBook + iPod Bundle!

    I'd be interested if someone would buy my Powerbook : )
  6. ChoMomma

    Web counter

    Use Safari :) no pop-ups :D
  7. ChoMomma

    Question on worth...

    I'd trade you two P4 systems for it :D 2.4Ghz and a 2.26Ghz P4
  8. ChoMomma

    17inch apple flat screen

    Since everyone will want to know, how much are you asking for it?
  9. ChoMomma

    256MB so-dimms for Powerbook G4/G3, iMac & iBook!!

    Okay here's what I have: 2 256MB PC133 S0-Dimms for either Powerbooks G4/G3* models iMacs* or iBooks. $35.00 a piece *only if they take PC133 memory, not PC100 This will show up in a Powerbook G3 (lombard) as only 128MB if you try. Check Apple if you don't know what your...
  10. ChoMomma

    War Protesting in Schools

    I agree, we should continue inspections. Saddam is like a kid testing his teacher to see how much he can get away with before he gets his recess taken away. Inspections as long as they continue fully supported and backed by the UN (with threat of force) should continue... cause I'm telling...
  11. ChoMomma

    Mac loving Teachers

    My wife is a 5th grade teacher and uses her Powerbook 333(lombard) to keep her class grades and do research for lessons :) She loves it to death, she also loves the new lexmark trio (scanner/copier/printer) i just bought her. :) She also participated in the X for teachers ;) Her class is...
  12. ChoMomma

    War Protesting in Schools

    Me personally I do support the war. But then again I think Saddam shouldn't have been allowed to stay in power the last time. But that is why Jr. is partly doing this for George Sr. I served for 8 years in the Army, and I've been many places while serving in the Army. Let me just say this...
  13. ChoMomma

    If You're a Gamer...

    I'm actually ditching my PCs for just gaming on my mac (Powerbook Ti800). I play some games, and they are available on my I don't feel the urge to maintain two different platforms. Besides... I like being able to game anywhere!!! Powerbooks rock!! Woot! if anyone wants to trade...
  14. ChoMomma

    SOF 2 ON Mac

    FYI.. I play SOF2 on my Powerbook Ti 800Mhz G4 with a Radeon 7500 Mobility 32MB DDR 512MB Pc133 Ram.... config: 800x600 32bit goodness turn off shadows & oh ah lighting effects (makes it harder to spot target PC players anyhow) Turn simple weapons on (easier to spot a white AK47 than a...
  15. ChoMomma

    Show us your ride!

    yep, that's a "stock" photo of a truck that looks just like mine (same make/model, color & features) except without my stickers. :D I'll post a real pic when I get around to it : )
  16. ChoMomma

    Show us your ride!

    On the left behind the driver is my white apple sticker and on the right behind the passenger is my white lettering 'WarDriver'
  17. ChoMomma

    Lan Party! if you live near or in Sacramento,CA

    March 8th in Sacramento, Ca is having a lan party. It's for PC and Mac users, some people playing Battlefield 1942, but some playing Soldier of Fortune 2, MOH or RTCW. They can support up to 70 some players I believe (giga bit switches and all) Only slight draw back is...
  18. ChoMomma

    Show your site!

    Tonatech Designs Personal both are still very much inprogress, but I think all websites are like that really.
  19. ChoMomma

    WTF: 700Mhz iBook w/combo drive

    Hi, I'm looking for a 700Mhz iBook. I'm specifically looking for one with a combo drive. I am willing to spend up to $850 + Shipping. Thanks, Cho -------- edited: hehe... typed WTF instead of WTB : )