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  1. O

    Mastering the NetInfo database

    OK, then as I said, only 'nicl' will work, and you need to use the '-raw' option. This allows you to work directly with the NetInfo database. All the other ni* commands, and nicl without '-raw', require the NetInfo daemon to be running. You can start this other stuff up if you like, but there's...
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    Mastering the NetInfo database

    Only nicl will work, with the -raw option, unless you do something to start up some other stuff. It might be easier to log on as >console, since everything required is then running.
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    Different `cd ..` behaviour in Jag for symlinks?

    Do a 'man tcsh' and then search for 'symlinks' (type '/symlinks on the bottom line and hit return). FWIW I have symlinks set to 'ignore', which sounds like your setting too. Enjoy!
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    installing to aplications folder

    I don't have this problem since I always log in as admin :-( But I have noticed the authentication box that comes up has space for you to type an administrator user name as well as password. Have you tried doing this? It looks as it was meant to work this way—who knows, maybe it does...
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    Can't trash .sit from desktop

    I think Narogh left something out. The simplest way is, in Terminal, to type 'rm rf ' (note there is at least one space at the end of that, and don't press return just yet). Drag the file/folder from the desktop into the Terminal window, when the full pathname will be inserted. Then press...
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    Help I delete my "/etc" on Jaguar

    "/etc" is a symbolic link, so you don't need to reinstal. But the fix involves typing commands in single user mode. None of the commands are 'dangerous' but you obviously need to be careful. Start up in single user mode by holding down 'Command' and 's' and wait for the white text on black...
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    Macintosh HD is sometimes read-only?

    Apple's 10.2.3 update correctly set the permissions for the root directory to read+write for the owner (root), read only for the group (admin) and others. But if you downloaded, for example, the Quicktime 6.1 update, it set the permissions back to read+write for group, which causes sendmail to...
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    deleteing curupt files in OSX

    Great! Thanks for posting back and putting (some of) us out of our misery :-))
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    deleteing curupt files in OSX

    ksv That's what bobw told him to do! except he said to use 'sudo', in case of permissions problems, and '-rf' in case it's a folder and to force it. If seamark did that and it still didn't work (I wish he'd post back and tell us!) then one of the other flags must be set. The most common...
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    deleteing curupt files in OSX

    Well, <b>I</b> wouldn't advise this, but ... :-) Anyway, as I understand it, he can't actually put the thing in the Trash, hence bobw's instructions to drag from the desktop. And if the 'uchg' bit is set your instructions wouldn't work either (I suspect it's not set and the OP didn't do what...
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    how do you make invisible files visible?

    To show/hide 'dot' files in OS X, type in the Terminal:defaults write AppleShowAllFiles '1'To hide them again replace '1' with '0'. Unfortunately this isn't selective, SetFile is a much better option for this.
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    deleteing curupt files in OSX

    Did you try what bobw suggested? If that didn't work, the file may be locked. In which case type: sudo chflags -R nouchg making sure there is one space at the end of the line (don't press return yet). Drag the offending file/folder off your desktop into the Terminal window, and press...
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    Multiple User Permissions?

    There was a long thread (or several) on the Apple boards some time ago, and sadly the answer is no, unless something has changed in 10.2. Unix provides the ability to allow files to be group-writable, as well as readable, but Apple in its wisdom (?) has not allowed this through to the GUI...
  14. O

    Which free Apple apps do you keep in your Dock?

    Terminal - essential Console - sometimes TextEdit - same reasons as Rhino_G3 and adambyte Internet Connect - more control than phone menu when I need dialup Address Book - for when I'm not using Mail but need a phone # Key Caps - ?? Preview - ?? Property List Editor - for editing xml &...