
  1. michaelsanford

    AppleScript to swap iTunes title->artist

    One of my pet peeves is when people don't check which column they're entering data into when they upload track names to CDDB. A few CDs have Artist and Title data swapped, and I'd like to swap them using an AppleScript. How do I do that ?
  2. K

    iChat screen name via AppleScript

    I am trying to get the screen name that is logged in on iChat using AppleScript and can't figure out how (or maybe it's not possible?). This code works for me on iChat AV Beta 2.1 (v151) with 3 different screen names: tell application "iChat" set a to (handler of every account in (every...
  3. K

    iChat's status via AppleScript

    I'm trying to get iChat's status via AppleScript and the following code works when I'm available, but it returns empty if I go away: tell application "iChat" display dialog (status message) as string end tell Am I just simply overlooking something obvious? All I want to do is get the status...
  4. ShadowTech

    OS X DVD player applescript problem.

    I'm sure this is something that is very easy to fix, but I just have no clue. I turned on the "Show Wide Info" script, and cannot turn it off. Help me!
  5. MacDoobie

    applescript dialog box

    hey all, applescript newbie here. boss wants me to setup apples mail app to open a dialog window telling us we have a new email from a certain client. so I was think setting up a applescript to run when a email comes in from this client and open a dialog window say of course, "New email from...
  6. R

    Is it possible to make an AppleScript of this?

    Is it possible to make an AppleScript of this? Hi, I was wondering if anyone could make an AppleScript for this action: I want all files that get moved to a folder (let's say Safari's Download folder, so it's moved there automaticly) to get opened by Norton Antivirus. Doable? Please...
  7. J

    Question regarding Applescript

    I was working on an applescript to copy calendars and other things to my iPod. I tried Pod2Go but it didn't copy the calendars right. I don't really want to use iSync because it seems pretty slow and since it can't sync to other computers over a network it's not really useful. At one point...
  8. Fahrvergnuugen

    Can applescript "watch" a folder & create PDFs from files that appear in it?

    I would be awesome to have an action that converted items to PDFs as soon as they appear in a folder. Can an applescript "watch" a folder? I say watch, because the files are being moved there by a remote user or script - which means the finder isn't involved.
  9. Fahrvergnuugen

    Possible to remap volume keys to iTunes volume using applescript?

    I use the optical audio jack on my G5 which renders my volume keys useless since you can't control the "volume" of an optical port. It would be nice to remap the volume up and volume down keys to control iTunes specifically. I might be able to crash my way through figuring this one out...
  10. Fahrvergnuugen

    Copying a file with AppleScript

    (applescript newb here) Can someone tell me how to do this? I want to copy a file from one folder on one volume to another folder on another volume. I can't figure it out.
  11. voice-

    How to close the Terminal window after a while using AppleScript?

    I'm writing a newbie AppleScript ping application, the intention is to check internet connection with only one click. So far, the code looks like this: tell application "Terminal" do script "ping -c 10" end tell As you've probably guessed, this opens Terminal and pings 10...
  12. U

    [How To] Applescript the command line

    I created routine maintenance Applescript out of curiosity and the need for a free solution that I could setup to run my daily/weekly and monthly. Preparation-- I have mine setup to run from Entourage X, but i believe you can use iCal to run them on a timed schedule, or simply run them as...
  13. F

    turning "file sharing" on/off with AppleScript

    Is it possible? If I use "record" AppleScript do not record the actions I do when turning file sharing on and off...
  14. R

    AppleWorks 6 + AppleScript

    This may only demonstrate my ignorance, but: I CANNOT upgrade to AW 6 because it's lack of macros totally disrupts my workflow (I use extensive DB's in my business....). Can AppleScript be used to effectively recreate AW's former macro-capability? If yes: can you point me to simple...
  15. pwharff

    AppleScript and Key-Combo's Question???

    Is there any way to create an AppleScript that will simulate a key-combo? So that when I run the AppleScript lets say it simulates me pressing shift-F1 on my keyboard??? Or any other solutions or suggestions.
  16. T

    Beginner AppleScript question

    Hello there The problem we have is related to AppleEvents. We have scraped together enough knowledge to write a script that automatically copies a specific file to a mounted server, and use iDo script scheduler to run it daily. The file, already compressed, is about 850MB. Problem is...
  17. C

    AppleScript & Sound Control Panel

    Does anyone have suggestions on how to script the Sound Control Panel to change between built-in audio and an external sound source (M-Audio Sonica)?
  18. Orbit

    help with applescript

    Would it be possible to make a applescript that switched between to prefrences becoz my sister always changes all the prefs for msn messenger so i thought that say i had to prefs 1 called msn meffenger.prefs or wateva its ment to be called and one called msn messenger1.prefs and then make a...
  19. M

    Can AppleScript do this?

    I am trying to get applescript to checck and see if there are any active network ports before it continues with the script. Does any when have any insight on if this is possible? Background: The script I use connects to a server that i use to backup, and I use iCal to schedule when to run...
  20. Z

    Want To Learn AppleScript

    I'd like to learn AppleScript. I know there are dozens of books and articles out there, but I'm wondering if anyone has any particular recommendations as to where to start or which path to take.