
  1. P

    AppleScript Hates Me.

    Does anyone have any examples of what can be done with's new ability to run AppleScripts according to its rules? I'm basically trying to turn all email from a particular address into a specially-formatted file (for super-trendy weblogging purposes!) and I don't even know where to...
  2. N

    Applescript Errors

    In a number of Applications I am getting Applescript Errors (-1708, and "NSRecieverEvaluationScriptError : 3(1)") under System 9 if I were to experience this I could bin the Applescript extensions and reinstall. What is the System X equivalent? Thanks in advance!
  3. C

    TextEdit, AppleScript, Opening Files

    Does anyone know how to get TextEdit to open a file from an AppleScript. I tried the logical: tell application "TextEdit" open file "Drive Name:Users:username:Desktop:testing.rtf" end tell But it doesn't work. Tells me that the file doesn't understand the open command. But if I substitute...
  4. turn2

    Quicktime applescript ??

    From an Applescript novice... Using a "MacAddict" article as a guide I made an application with Applescript that has Safari open my 4 favorite web sites. I would like to add to this script. I would like to open Quicktime to start the NPR live newscast stream (or any other). All attempts so...
  5. I

    Applescript Dictionaries not opening

    I downloaded the new script editor, (2.0 Beta) for os x and anytime i try to open any dictionary nothing happens. It loads the list of dictionaries, and i pic the application i want to open the dictionary for, but it doesn't work. Has anyone else had this problem and know how i can fix it...
  6. Trip

    Simple AppleScript question...

    I'm 1) too lazy to think this out on my own and experiment. 2) too tired to think about 1. So: i have a script: [/size] And what i want to do is have, say 5 different quotes and i want the script to randomly choose a quote to say and speak it. Get what i'm trying to say? Go ahead and throw...
  7. pwharff

    AppleScript quit all?

    Does anyone know how to write an AppleScript that will quit all open applications (except for finder ofcouse)? Or even a UNIX shell script.
  8. M

    [HOWTO] Run command line apps/scripts from Finder or an AppleScript

    Hi, I am very new to MacOSX but I was wondering if there was a way to make applications that run from the terminal work as double-clickable applications? Is there an OSX version of a Windows batch file, ie something that can be double clicked and will execute terminal commands?
  9. N Applescript Rules

    Am I missing something obvious(Very Possible, I haven't slept much) or is it not possible to have a rule firing trigger an applescript in I know is supposed to be a basic mail application, but since Apple has touted the improved "Applescriptability" of X I can't believe this...
  10. sts24

    Getting a file to read/write in Applescript

    I need to know what is wrong with this script: on will quit theObject set savepath to do shell script "whoami" set pathName to "Users:" & savepath & ":Library:Application Support:Note2Self:mainnote.n2s" set theData to contents of text view "text" of scroll view "text" of window "main"...
  11. D

    Simple (?) Applescript Question

    People: I tried the AppleScript published in the latest MacWorld to open multiple URLs with one click. Here it is: try tell application "Internet Explorer" GetURL "" Activate end tell on error end try This works for IE but when I replace "Internet...
  12. DooBall

    How to remove AppleScript toolbar icon...

    I don't know how it got into my toolbar, but I don't need it there. Anyone idea how to remove it?
  13. C

    Applescript Studio Application

    I just need some advice on Applescript Studio before I start on a large project, so if anyone experienced with it could help foresee any pitfalls before I invest a lot of work, I would appreciate it. I want to write an Applescript Studio application to access a MySQL database for text...
  14. H

    Applescript & Basestation

    I want to write a script to change settings on a basestation. Is this possible with Applescript? Anyone have any suggestions where I might find something already done in the area of scripting with a basestation? Peace. Ver
  15. Gnomo

    AppleScript & SMB

    Alright, so here's what's up. I'm trying to write an AppleScript (since recording in 10.2 still does not work) that will mount a smb drive on a Win 2K Domain. Normally I can access the drive using the connect to server dialog, but I would like to be able to do this on start up. Searching...
  16. S

    AppleScript and CpMac help please

    I need some help. I have not found a real good way to have AppleScript work with a terminal command(CpMac) that came with the Developer Tools.. What I am trying to do is to use AppleScript to display a window that will allow you to navigate to what you want to copy from a server to your local...
  17. S

    AppleScript and CpMac help please

    I need some help. I have not found a real good way to have AppleScript work with a terminal command(CpMac) that came with the Developer Tools.. What I am trying to do is to use AppleScript to display a window that will allow you to navigate to what you want to copy from a server to your local...
  18. buc99

    Applescript and CGI help please ...

    I am trying to learn applescript. The more I delve into it the more I start to believe it is almost a dead language. Very little information on it. I've yet to find a proper explanation on how to read a "Dictionary". And now, it seems that Apache does not want to work with...
  19. holmBrew

    iCal and Applescript

    Is iCal Applescript-able? I couldn't find anything on apple site?
  20. U

    Adding applescript support to UNIX apps

    This little sentence on the apple website almost convinced me I should buy a mac: can use AppleScript Studio to add AppleScript support to your Cocoa applications... Is it possible to add applescript support to a UNIX app (gimp, abiword...) this way?