Chimera's new name

Navigator... that's a dumb name... it sorta relates to Netscape NAVIGATOR...

what are your suggestions?

and it really doesn't matter if they told us.... we would have found out sooner or later... it's just a name of a program... don't get mad about it...
well this is a new twist. instead of yelling it from the highest mountain top, it is suddenly top secret and only the chosen few can participate:p :p

so voice, are those tabs anything more than just favorite bookmarks? How do they differ from the nicer looking ones that omniweb has in my pic? btw - and don't tell anybody you heard this from me, the latest netscape 6.2.2 lets you disable the sidebar.;)


  • ow toolbar.jpg
    ow toolbar.jpg
    37.2 KB · Views: 79

I believe what voice is referring to is "tabbed browsing." This actually really is pretty nifty. Rather than open multiple windows to browse multiple sites, you have multiple panes, tabbed at the top, each holding a rendered web page. It's been around in the open source browser world for a while, and it's quite handy and a good fit for OSX/Aqua.

Then again, I may not know what the heck voice is talking about :)

I dont know what to say, but you guys don't know the full story. It is suppose to be a suprise for people, you guys are being like time canada! :)
Originally posted by ksuther
kilowatt led me in the right direction :)
Poke around the web cvs directory, and look for a file that isn't a .h or .m file, and it'll be there :p

First off, I never said that.

And, if you think you really do know the name, well, you're wrong :)

its a spoof folks :)
So what if it is Navigator? I've got no problem with that. It's a decent name, and it harkens back to the time when Navigator was THE browser for the Mac OS... It was a good name back in 1994, and it's still a good name 8 years later...

BTW, I really like the splash screen they have in store for 0.2.0. Very cool...
Sorry for being so unproffessional and blurting the name out. I edited my previous post so it doesn't contain the name. ;)
alexrd, Tabbed Browsing is exactly what I'm referring to.

Ed, I've got toolbar favorites as well, tabs are just a neat way to keep multiple windows up...I usually have from 5 to 15 windows open at the same time, tabs is the only thing helping me to keep the view.

As soon as OmniWeb gets tabs I'm out of Mozilla
Look at the version numbers, people.

Omniweb: Version 4+.
Chimera: Version .13.

Point one three. Based on that, Chimera should be over thirty times less usable than Omniweb. Look at Chimera now and tell me that by the time it hits v4.0 it won't be the best browser in the world.

Yes, I know my version number arithmetic isn't perfect. But gimme a break. Chimera, from what I've seen so far, kicks, and in version .2 it'll have Quartz rendering too so you OmniWeb people can't hold it above our heads anymore.

But I admit... I use Mozilla (trying to replace IE) because even though I don't like the interface, OmniWeb is too slow, Chimera is, well, too beta, and IE doesn't have tabbed browsing. And it's too slow. And it's Microsoft.

But I check Chimera's site every day because it looks like it's gonna be a frickin' tasty browser.

-the valrus
Originally posted by googolplex
I dont know what to say, but you guys don't know the full story.

Then what the f*** is the full story?

D*** it's just the name of a browser!

It'd be like me making a super-powerful browser available for everything... and then saying "HA HA! I'LL NEVER TELL YOU BA$TARD$! HA HA HA!!!!"

it's not a big deal or the end of the world... we would have found out in what, a month or two maybe?
Ok. I just got Chimera and here is my opinion on it:

Speed: ***** (5/5)

Chimera is the fastest browser I have ever seen. Loading a page in IE or Netscape took about 15 seconds on 56K. With Chimera, it takes about 5 seconds!

Graphics: ***** (5/5)

Very nice icons! Although I really want them to be in different colors, they are cool

Bugs: * (1/5)

As much as I like Chimera, it is very buggy. I hope they remove some bugs in the next release.

Features: *- (1.5/5)

Lots of features, but some of them are limited by bugs. Updated: Also there is a lack of the Preferences window (-1.5 *s).
Sounds like a five star rating for a .13 release :D

To repeat everyone, Chimera is quite promising. I hope they keep that name though, it sounds cool :p

BlingBling, whatever the full story is, it doesn't really matter I don't think :)
I'm back from a weekend away and 0.2 still isn't released :). Alright you guys have all figured out the name, but just don't spread it around to everyone :).

xoot, I'm pretty sure that prefs are going to be in 0.2... matt judy told me that he was creating a preference window much like os x's preferences and omniweb as well.... the cocoa kind. oh and if you poke around CVS a little more, you may notice that there are some new icons floating around as well :)
I think it's really cool that they are coming so fast. When they first released .1 it was just a template pretty much and then .11 .12 and .13 came out bam bam bam. Now it's getting to the long hall where they fix all the little stuff but it would be nice to see where they are at. I too look at the site every day to see if they have a .14 or .2 out but I guess "When it's ready" it will come out.
Oh yeah I forgot to say, that 0.2 is a much bigger release. There is a lot more big background stuff going on like quartz and plugins. Thats why its taking longer. Also they only have two developers so I'm sure you can understand :).
Updated my "Software Ratings": Features knocked down 1.5 stars because I forgot to mention the lack of the Preferences window. :(