Congrats to Ulrik!

The funny thing about *empty* gardens is, that you - as the one who planted the stuff - sees the garden in three years. And you walk around like "and here, this and this will grow, and over there, boy, it will great cause I planted this and this" and the people just look at you, then look at a mostly empty piece of dirt, look at you again and say something like "oh...well...yeah.......nice"....

The pond we have in the garden you saw is small enough to just clean it from time to time, but I plan to make a much bigger one on the new garden, there, I will care about algae control...sounds like fun.

I have been a bit in a buying streak the last couple of days. As RacerX already knows, my Silicon Graphics Indigo arrived...and I was so impressed that I got myself a Silicon Graphics O2 :)
And today, I walk into the *office* of my partner and what is lying around? WHAT IS LYING AROUND THERE? AN IBOOK KEY LIME! My favourite color! I always said to him "some day, I wanna have an orange iBook if I can afford...or a Key Lime, but they where only sold 200 times in Germany, so no chance on that one"....and he got me that iBook for just 300 EURO!!!!


Did you track down why the number of fishes decreased?

I have to say I am proud of the 7 cats around here (to list them:
1: Wuschel (cat of my parents, my *ex*-cat
2: Maggie (my brothers cat)
3: Jack Daniels (my cat)
4-7: the free living cats we you know, one died in my arms some days ago

none of them eat the fishes! I don't know what we made that they don't do it...but....they just don't eat them...isn't that nice

Hey Ed, bad news, I really plan to take a trip to the US in summer or autumn, and guess who won't be spared from my presence, so if you ever see a man in black pants, black t-shirt, black leather trenchcoat and black leather boots walk up the lane, don't shot, it could be me :p
YOu got an O2 :eek:
I am so envious man :D
I wish I could have a few more computers in my room :rolleyes:

First off thought I need to find an ethernet card for my newton lol :p

Ed- you -might- want to try raising a few plecostomus in your pond... they grow quite large and can take care of a lot of algae... they like the water to be about 74° though...
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
YOu got an O2 :eek:
I am so envious man :D
I wish I could have a few more computers in my room :rolleyes:

First off thought I need to find an ethernet card for my newton lol :p


You actually can get used O2s (180 Mhz machines) on german eBay for around 400 dollars, with software and everything.

I still got myself a more or less new one (from eBay, but the current model) since I was REALLY impressed by the old 33Mhz Indigo 1 I won't mention how this thing stomps my Quicksilver in GIMP compared to I will try to get my hands on some old Eclipse license and if I can afford it a Maya license (they just dropped the prices to 1999 dollars for Maya complete)...some more weeks I have to work until I could afford that :(

I friend of mine collects everything computers and in his house it was the first time when I saw and used a newton (he has three or so) and I was SOOOO impressed. Most people can't understand it how I can sit in front of a couple of year old machines with an open mouth and say "man is that thing fast". (like when I first bootet that 33 Mhz Indigo)...see, I envy you for owning a Newton, you envy me for owning an O2....I'd say it's an "unentschieden"
wow, i really meant to reply here sooner but the last week was crazy. Thank the Goddess it is over!! besides i thought you guys were going to start talking about computers and you should know how bored iget with that :p

dev lqd - any fish that requres a limited temp range is out. no way i am paying to heat the pond!! We don't even heat our house except under extremes:p

ulrik - lets see, we are talking about travel stuff in emails, but as for fish.... so far i have only pulled out 2 floaters. So i assume the others were either nabbed by raccoons or feral cats. maybe even a heron. I still find a plant or 2 knocked over most mornings. At least one raccoon has been so brave as to walk up to the sliding glass window and just stare into the house a couple of different times this week. but right now the fish that are in there seem to be thriving and very active. I have gotten the water pretty cleared up - i can see the bottom again. and i am getting the fish trained that i will feed them right after i clean the filter. in fact, they have started to gather in the feeding spot as soon as i turn the pump off. I am seriously considering letting my gf get me a nice bilogical filter for my bday. of course, we both know that is still a ways off and i will clean a lot of filters between now and then:D

so i am back from my work exile and should be more active on the site again. hopefully i will be able to limit myseflt o an hour or two a day so i can start getting my school work finished.
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
wow, i really meant to reply here sooner but the last week was crazy. Thank the Goddess it is over!! besides i thought you guys were going to start talking about computers and you should know how bored iget with that :p

Well, actually I am happy when somebody stops me from talking about computers. Though it is both my life, my hobby and my job, it sometimes just feels good not to talk about it...maybe that's why most of the time no male or female person is willing to spend time with me
I won't ask what was so bad about the past week, but I hope that you feel better know. I have a presentation tomorrow which is the reason why I am reducing my posts in the past days...I am really working 14 hours a day at the moment. After that, I can afford it to take some days off....

dev lqd - any fish that requres a limited temp range is out. no way i am paying to heat the pond!! We don't even heat our house except under extremes:p

ulrik - lets see, we are talking about travel stuff in emails, but as for fish.... so far i have only pulled out 2 floaters. So i assume the others were either nabbed by raccoons or feral cats. maybe even a heron. I still find a plant or 2 knocked over most mornings. At least one raccoon has been so brave as to walk up to the sliding glass window and just stare into the house a couple of different times this week. but right now the fish that are in there seem to be thriving and very active. I have gotten the water pretty cleared up - i can see the bottom again. and i am getting the fish trained that i will feed them right after i clean the filter. in fact, they have started to gather in the feeding spot as soon as i turn the pump off. I am seriously considering letting my gf get me a nice bilogical filter for my bday. of course, we both know that is still a ways off and i will clean a lot of filters between now and then:D

I will clean the filter and the pond tomorrow evening after the presentation to "cool down". I am really looking forward to it. I find it very interesting how very sothing the look of a pond of fishes can be!!! When I am stuck in some programming problem (which mostly happen to be mathemacial problem like storing 15 booleans in an Access Integer) I just walk into the garden of my parents (which is right behind the house I am living in) and just watch either the cats jumping around or the fishes, and most often I take my hockey stick and play around with a ball, and after that, I have a solution to my problem. I don't think about it, it just comes into my mind (sometimes). And it's the same (at least for me ) for personal or ethical problems...quite funny....after all, besided from all technical stuff, nature has a very special influence on the human soul IMHO

so i am back from my work exile and should be more active on the site again. hopefully i will be able to limit myseflt o an hour or two a day so i can start getting my school work finished.

What is your school work???

btw: (just to tease Admiral) I have a SGI Onyx RE2 soon...

I haven't heard from you in a while... how are your SGIs working out?

By the way, did I mention that I am completely jealous! It'll be a couple months before I can afford to upgrade my Indy to something descent (I'm hoping to jump up to an R5000sc/180, but if I don't have enough money I’ll most likely get the R4400sc/200). I already have 18 GB of drive space (2 scsi 9 GB drives), so after the processor upgrade, all that is left would be RAM (I'm at 128 MB now, but would like to get up to 256 MB soon).

I wish our SGI prices were like yours. :(
Originally posted by RacerX

I haven't heard from you in a while... how are your SGIs working out?

By the way, did I mention that I am completely jealous! It'll be a couple months before I can afford to upgrade my Indy to something descent (I'm hoping to jump up to an R5000sc/180, but if I don't have enough money I’ll most likely get the R4400sc/200). I already have 18 GB of drive space (2 scsi 9 GB drives), so after the processor upgrade, all that is left would be RAM (I'm at 128 MB now, but would like to get up to 256 MB soon).

I wish our SGI prices were like yours. :(

The old Indigo is running fine, doing exactly nothing but SETI at the moment. The O2 - if I manage to find a bigger monitor - will also be fine, at the moment, it is running on a 15'' monitar. But techincally, it is running fine. I even get some pre-release version of IRIX GIMP running on it. I enjoy the various media tools/converters available for IRIX! It's really a good platform. Speed is ok. I have to say that for the money I paid (around 300 dollars) for the O2 R10k, it's a great machine! Concerning the resolution problem, people told me that it is more or less impossible to run the old 19'' SGI display on the O2...sadly....

Allthough I don't like to make you jelous, I have to say the moment, the guy with whom I work together as freelancers and I have finally gotten a place for our *company*. A huge room with three small ajancted rooms (good for server rooms/archive), all in all 160 squar meters, away from the city (it's from an old farm) and we are moving our equipment from our home rooms now into the new rooms, that's why I don't post much at the moment since we are getting the rooms ready to run. I even got a great machine which will not only be the central mail/file/webserver for our intranet, but also my main coding machine. It is (please don't kill me) a SGI ONYX RE2 with four R4400 250 Mhz CPUs. I got it from a company which went bankrupt for 2000 dollars, fully loaded with SCSI drives etc. An offer I couldn't resist.

I am really looking forward until the new rooms are ready (hopefully within the next two weeks) and I will post pics as soon as everything runs

I am so jealous :eek:
thats it :mad: --- when I visit germany next summer I am going to come steal your o2 :mad: (btw are you close to berlin ? cause I dont want to come too far :p :p :p :p)

hehe :)
sadly, I am far away from Berlin. Berlin is in northeast of Germany, I am in the southwest, 10 kilometres away from Heidelberg...

...oh and...TRY STEALING MY O2! TRY IT!!! :D

Seriously, it's no big deal. I checked and you get the O2 in the US for the same low prices like over here, around 250 to 300 dollars for the R10K version.

Then again you have to know that apart from beeing a webmaster/database developer, I am earning my money with selling hardware. Not in a big way, but sometimes when I sense a good deal (like with the ONYX) I purchase it and maybe sell it again, so you will find plenty of hardware here at my's really nothing special, and I bet your G3 runs circles around the O2...

then again I know that you are - like me - somebody who finds great pleasure in exploring new computer systems and especially new OSes, so I can partly understand your envy, allthough I feel uncomfortable because when people say they are jeleous, I always feel like I am walking around bragging with the computer hardware I own....something I really don't wanna do...


Wow. That is at least a $6000+ system! We're talking some major hardware (for the innocent bystanders, you can find out about what an ONYX RealityEngine 2 can be used for here). The killer is that it's not just 4X an R4400sc/250 (you can get an Indigo2 with an R4400sc/250 with 2 MB of L2 cache), it's the fact that you have 4 MB of L2 cache for each processor!

I'd move to Germany if I hadn't failed German (4 times :D ). I love playing with different types of operating systems and hardware, but for some reason I have a special place in my heart for Silicon Graphics. It was the first Mac user friendly UNIX environment I came across (other than NeXT, but it is now Apple so that doesn't count). I feel almost as at home on an SGI as I do in Mac OS X or Rhapsody on a Mac.

Did I say Wow yet?
Dont worry racer :p
thats why ulrik and I are here, we can get you teach you german as easy as eins, zwei, drei lol :p

so ulrik....southeast germany eh ??? hmmm.... which part ?? maybe I can make a detour trip :p :p :p

Originally posted by RacerX
Wow. That is at least a $6000+ system! We're talking some major hardware (for the innocent bystanders, you can find out about what an ONYX RealityEngine 2 can be used for here). The killer is that it's not just 4X an R4400sc/250 (you can get an Indigo2 with an R4400sc/250 with 2 MB of L2 cache), it's the fact that you have 4 MB of L2 cache for each processor!

Did I say Wow yet?

I agree. It was those 4mb L2 cache which attracted me to buying that thing! 4 mb L2 Cache is just
I red that it peaks out at around 8 gigaflops, and REAL 8 gigaflops, not the fakes numbers Apple puts on their site (since on a G4, you only reach those gigaflop numbers when the Altivec kicks in)...I am really looking forward. Allthough I have to drive nearly 500 kilometres to get that thing, it's worth it...and yes, as I already said, I fell in love with IRIX even on that old Indigo I got first. It's a great OS! No eye candy or stuff like that, just raw power!!!

i am living in the south hessen, directly between Heidelberg an Mannheim. If you tend to watch Golf, the SAP European Masters last weekend where in St. Leon Rot, around 10 kilometres away from my place.
encouraged by Admiral
Dont worry racer :p
thats why ulrik and I are here, we can get you teach you german as easy as eins, zwei, drei lol :p

I don't know, I'm still having a hard time with English... and that is my mother tongue.


mentioned in passing by Ulrik
...I am really looking forward. Allthough I have to drive nearly 500 kilometres to get that thing, it's worth it...

I hope your making the trip with a van or truck or something of the like. An ONYX is a big piece of equipment.
Originally posted by RacerX
I don't know, I'm still having a hard time with English... and that is my mother tongue.
Eww! You have your mother's English tongue? What is it, in a jar somewhere? That's really icky!


Yes, this is the standard disclaimer where I tell everyone that I am indeed joking.