Herve's Bar & Grill

No, it's a real Mexican holiday. Celebrates the defeat of the French army by the Mexicans at the battle of Puebla in 1862, according to this page
Originally posted by nkuvu

www.thinkgeek.com has a few shirts with the Sacred molecule on them...

That's the sacred molecule? Thanks, you've saved me years of painstaking theochemical research!

I think I'll forget you told me that for the moment though; I've already got some experiments with other molecules underway that it would be a shame to interrupt.

I saw some shirts with testosterone on them at a toystore a little while back, thought that was rather nice.
i would like to make a little small poll. for some backround i have been swimming for about 4 years in the past year i have been going about 25 hours a week, sometimes i swim 10 miles a day, recently i have been getting allitle slow because of a surgery i had, the surgery was very painful and altering, but i woulnt get into that. ive been thinking about quiting swimming, now this is a very serious subject and i would like all of your opinions because i value them very much. should i stick with it and not let my very slowness keep me down? or quit and have more time this summer to work and play? let me know what you guys think
Questions to ask yourself:

1) Do I still have fun swiming?
2) Do I like to swim because I am good, or just because I like to swim?
3) Would it laer if I stoped now?
4) Could I divide my time between swiming and other stuff?

This is one of those "follow your bliss" things that you have to decide for yourself. We don't know your motivations nor what you stand to gain/lose by continuing/stopping.

I'm sure you'll make the right decision...

P.S. "Work" is overrated unless it also qualifies as "play"...
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
well, my calender informs me that in the UK they celebrated something called Bank Holiday yesterday. Only they would get all excited about banking:D

Tismey, maybe you could fill us in on just exactly what the holiday is before we get too carried away making jokes about it;)

Yeah, Monday was May Day bank holiday. A Bank Holiday is just a day off, really, so called because the banks are shut too. We tend to get 4 or 5 a year. Good Friday is one, as is Easter monday. There's one for May Day, one at teh end of August (not sure why, probly a thing in the religious calendar everyone has forgotten about). We get 2 extra Bank Holiday days for the Queen's Jubilee this year as well. Best thing about Bank holidays (apart from the not having to work) is that it's easier for pubs to get extensions on our archaic opening hours.... (_)

'truth - you might like to check out this for further (more classical) education into what those toddlers in the chatrooms are talking about!!
Bank Holidays:

The term started out referring to days when banks (in the U.K.) were closed so that bank employees could have a holiday. Before 1834, banks observed 33 days a year as bank holidays, and these were mostly saints' days and the typical church holidays like Christmas and Easter. In 1834, however, bank workers had most of those taken away such that the only holidays left were Good Friday, May 1st, November 1st, and Christmas Day. Yet, someone felt for the poor bank workers, so that in 1871, Sir John Lubbock's Act was passed, naming the following as bank holidays in England and Ireland: Easter Monday, Whit Monday, the first Monday in August, and Boxing Day (December 26). In Scotland they got New Year's Day, May Day, the first Monday in August, and Christmas Day. These holidays came to be appropriated by non-bank workers, but the term had already stuck. So, no matter for whom one works, one gets bank holidays.

FYI The financial markets distinguish bank holidays and exchange holidays in the US. On Bank Holidays it is not possible to settle a trade (take delivery of the cash/asset) and on Exchange holidays it is not possible to do a trade (on the exchange). A public holiday in the US might be a bank holiday, an exchange holiday, or both. However the terminology is not common parlance (I believe).

Originally posted by scruffy
I saw some shirts with testosterone on them at a toystore a little while back, thought that was rather nice.

Sounds rather... messy to me.
Swimming is the best :D
I cant imagine going to the beach and not taking a diva (unless I am in the cold waters of the atlantic...but heck even then I will take a dive... :p ) -- I am greek I cant help it ;)

Think geek was funny :p
Maybe I should go order the caffeine sampler pack ;)
my roommate was supposed to leave today.
he just randomly decided he wanted to stay until friday, even though there's nothing to do and no reason for him to be here.
anyone who remembers how i feel about my roommate knows i really want to yell a word that begins with an f right about now.
i made plans 2 - a *female* friend was supposed to be staying over 2morrow. i guess that's not happening now.... god dammit...
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
my roommate was supposed to leave today.
he just randomly decided he wanted to stay until friday, even though there's nothing to do and no reason for him to be here.
anyone who remembers how i feel about my roommate knows i really want to yell a word that begins with an f right about now.
A word that begins with f -- uhh, female? frankfurter? farvegnugen (or however that is spelled ;) )? Oh, wait, I know, it's frotz!
i made plans 2 - a *female* friend was supposed to be staying over 2morrow. i guess that's not happening now.... god dammit...
Well there is always the option of cyanide in his food... :)

Joking! Only joking!
Originally posted by nkuvu
Well there is always the option of cyanide in his food... :)

Joking! Only joking!

Yes... please... I don't want to see this tomorrow morning...


also, can someone work with my avatar? it has jaggies on the edges! :( i know these can be removed but since i suck at that sorta stuff... can someone help me out?!
Bling - that was EXCELLENT. i haven't laughed that hard for quite some time! amazing - keep up the good work my friend.

as far as killing him, instead i just went off on how his sudden and unannounced change of plans really f'ed up my schedule, he got really mad, and to spite me, he's leaving tonite ;) i win!
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
as far as killing him, instead i just went off on how his sudden and unannounced change of plans really f'ed up my schedule, he got really mad, and to spite me, he's leaving tonite ;) i win!

Aaah, brutal honesty. Often the best solution to these problems, I find...

I love the fact that his idea of 'spite' is to do exactly what you want him to do...

Anyway, I guess you won't be stopping in tomorrow, then? But I'll keep some champagne on ice on the offchance you fancy bringing her by...
I have the "bow before me, for I am root" T-shirt and the "you are dumb" T-Shirt from thinkgeek:D Worth the money!!

P.S. if you buy a shirt from them get it one size too big;)
OK, my turn to bitch a bit!
My parents got the phone-bill and it was at 4000kr ($400)...there they go, thanks for not getting ADSL...
anywho, I'm no longer allowed on the net from home. I'm talking total restriction...don't bother replying to this, I won't read it anywho, cya l8r
Originally posted by voice-
OK, my turn to bitch a bit!
My parents got the phone-bill and it was at 4000kr ($400)...there they go, thanks for not getting ADSL...
anywho, I'm no longer allowed on the net from home. I'm talking total restriction...don't bother replying to this, I won't read it anywho, cya l8r
Ouch. :(