Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by Ed Spruiell

btw - ulrik & Tismey, that interplay with the sleeping and beer and face drawing was one of the most entertaining collaborative pieces in here yet. If we had an awards show i would nominate it for something:D
Actually, that's not a bad idea... Watch this space....

Don't talk to me about cocktails, Ed. Was my boss's 30th birthday, and we had cocktails at his house. God, I felt rough this morning... I ended up having a massive beer fight with his wife-to-be and got completely soaked through. And someone started sticking foil stars to my face with champagne at one point....
Grrrr, mac.com took my site down due to excessive bandwidth usage. What kind of lameness is that? So many people downloaded my program, Apple just shuts me out. That's a dumb rule :p

Now to find a mirror....
Ugh... finally cleaned up my room and dumped Jaguar (10.2) off my computer.... reinitialized, reinstalled 10.1.3... everything is happy.

I loved Jaguar but it definitely was unstable and had a lot of problems with CDs on my machine... in comparison, 10.1.3 is slower, but man, is it solid. I'll post some pics of my new beautified room soon! (this is the end result of about a month-long project...) :)
When you have as much crap as I do, and as little table space as I do, everything ends up on the tabletops and it looks like crap.
Didn't we agree to not talk about page numbers macguy? Hmm, hmm? :)

BlingBling, do you have a room the size of Kansas? How does it take you 5 hours to clean it!?
Originally posted by ksuther
BlingBling, do you have a room the size of Kansas? How does it take you 5 hours to clean it!?

I'm also rearranging my room...

therefore, i have a lengthy cleaning process... goes like this

1. Do I need this?
2. If so, keep it and see step 5. If not, see #3
3. TRASH IT! See step 4.
4. Think about what you just did and go back to step one. If you end up back here, repeat until you get to number 5.
5. Move along to next object. :)

plus, i have a lot of stuff in bookcases and boxes (even though i've lived here for 2 1/2 years, i still haven't unpacked all my boxes... some are still in my closet unopened)... i'm trying to clean out EVERYTHING!
I say think about it this way.
Put EVERYTHING you have taken out back into the boxes. Put those away. Whenever you need something, find it from those boxes. In six months, you probably won't have anything in those boxes left you need, so you can just burn their contents :)

That's something along the lines of what I've done, without burning the stuff...my room is quite barren though, because I never need anything from those boxes :)
wow.. I just spent 3 hours talking to myself :p ...errr.. I mean studying :p -- I got 80% of the materials in a detailed analysis down, and 100% of the materials in general terms. A few more hours of study and I am all set for tomorrow's exam ;) --- I almost have about 24 hours and 15 minutes before my exams so I am all set :D

Now lets see how I do :p

Thanks guys :D
Good thing the semester is almost over... I can feel myself almost at the border of insanity :p

"serenity now...insanity later" :p
The majority of users on these forums have already crossed that border AK, so when you do cross it nobody will be able to tell the difference. :p