Herve's Bar & Grill

We are no super-long-range doctors... if you need help, get real help... the Café is just good for a drink and a little chat !
I don't want to get help that I have to pay for if I can come here and hear what drunk people have to say about it. :D
2332 posts - must be hard to have a bad ankle. Can you walk? Is the pain on your foot, or in your ankle? I remember when I had a pretty mild sprain (the pain wasn't enough to keep me out of soccer, I just used my brace) the ankle didn't hurt unless I bent it or moved it. When it was just resting it felt fairly easy...
And doctor's are your friends! Are any of your friends parents practicing? I just get medical advice from professionals I know, only go to the emergency room if I really need it. That's the way to go.
My dads a doctor! But he's really busy, and he lives far away so who knows. :( I really don't experience pain unless I hit a wall with it or anything. Other than that I can move it fine and such.

The swelling has completely taken over my foot though, even my toes have swollen up. It looks like a mickey mouse glove off of those old cartoons. HUGE! That's all I'm really worried about...why so much swelling? And on the third day too!
Is it miss colored at all? Make sure you keep icing it. Take at least two advil every 4 to six hours (two 300mg pills is prescription strength, make sure you don't take more then that). Keep it elevated too.
Originally posted by JohnnyV
Is it miss colored at all? Make sure you keep icing it. Take at least two advil every 4 to six hours (two 300mg pills is prescription strength, make sure you don't take more then that). Keep it elevated too.

Two Advils and he should call you in the morning? ;-)
Erm...hard to say on the misscolored part. I just iced it and so now it's a bit blue-ish. What will the advil do?!
Keeps the pain down.

Call your dad and f*ck the long distance bill. If he can make some recommendations, or make some calls to get you cheap medical assistance, then that's all the better for you. I just hope you two aren't estranged.
i could get a link to a doctor thread on another board .. that is like the bar here. umh. no...

i hate when i canì't breath. i'm overly allrgic to something ... problems breathing all week. tired. well, 10 more days to go .. i need a glass of wine plz before i go to work. nice to see you again guys
Oh wow!!! I just got home from school and took off my sock and noticed...the side of my foot is completely black and blue!!! Is this natural? Should I be super worried about this? I'm comletely freaked out now! Anybody know?

Doctors appointment in 2 hours! Too far away!!!
If you have a doctor appt. in two hours, fuggedaboudit. Just take lots of pain killers and relax. Doc will know what it is.
Man it's so freaky though! And it just keeps getting worse: now there's a burning feeling in the foot!!! It hurts!

I'm calming down though...hopefully the doctor won't mess with it enough to cause pain.

I talked with my friend today, he sprained his ankle twice (though I probably did worse) and he told me about how the doctor kept bending his foot this way and that and how it hurt like the dickens! :)

I really hope this appointment goes well though. I hate doctors. I havn't been to one in over 6-8 years. If I'm going to die of cancer I don't want to know. But if it's something painful right off (like a broken foot) then I don't mind. As long as I don't have to take my pants off in front of anybody. ;)
Just got back from the doctors and...

...the good news is I did not break/fracture my ankle! The doctor told me it was the worst sprain he had ever seen, and it will take a really long time to heal. But I didn't break it! :)
Did you have to move it back and forth? :D

I suppose really bad sprain is better than broken.

Sucks though, no 'boarding for you for a while.
Yea, he pooked it a lot. :)
And about boarding...my mom wants me to stop now. But it's so addicting and fun I don't think I will! I don't know how I'm going to talk her into it...but there's no way on earth I'll ever stop. Not even if my eyes fall out. :D
That's great news Trip, just make sure the tendons didn't tear and if they did that they heal right (doc will let you know). Also note any difficulties you may have (aside from normal pain).
Yea, they gave me some medicine that has cocoain (sp?) in it. :D I don't use medicine though...I rarely ever use it.

Thanks for all the help/well wishes everybody! Off to school for now!