new adobe thread - expired serial number

Just because some of this stuff gets my panties in a bunch...

Piracy IS stealing. You can't say it isn't. Period.

You can justify the morality of it to yourself however you want... it's a moot point, it's still stealing. Period.

Some people do it because they feel they have no other choice, some people do it because they don't care, some people do it out of spite.

It's still stealing. Period.
Originally posted by uoba
Ditch the car, or use your college machines, or save up for the student price version, or buy Photoshop Elements.

I can't ditch the car. I need it to drive to work... to make money. Elements is missing a few things. And doesnt the student version have some missing features ?
Yeah but you can't get the student version unless you're a student. What if you're not a student? What if you want to learn Photoshop, but you don't want to pay $40,000 to go to college?

What if you don't want student loans on your back? What if you don't want to get a 4 year degree? What if you have no access to Photoshop, other than buying the full version?

Now, what if you can't afford the full version. You're 19, you work minimum wage, you dropped out of art school because of ridiculous loans, and none of your friends do computer work. All your money goes to your car, bills, helping your parents, etc.

What do you do?

Are you FORCED to go to college, FORCED to endure student loans? Not everyone is covered with financial aid. What if you want to learn graphic arts without going to college?

Well then, my friends, the only option is to pirate photoshop.

This person should pay for it a couple years later when he starts making money with it, and is professional, and can afford it.

That's me. I'm that guy, and it's been exactly a couple years. I will probably make enough money this year or next to buy photoshop.

Now please let this thread die in peace.
You are wrong.

You can study from books at your local library, use interlibrary book exchange, apply for federal art grants, and use freely available graphics packages, such as the gimp or povray. Granted, these don't offer the full spectrum of what photoshop offers, but they are free. You cannot take advantage of someone elses' time without paying for it. If you do, you are stealing. Insert quote from my above post.

The options are ALWAYS there. They are not as easy, but don't believe that they aren't there. They might not be pretty, but they are there.

I'm not passing judgement on you... but I cannot abide people pardoning themselves from the simple fact that they are stealing. It may be justified, that's not the issue. It's still stealing.


My beef with this is that it is self perpetuating. High school students hear the rap that it's OK to pirate software... it's not really stealing. IT IS. YOU GO TO JAIL FOR IT. If younger people are brought up with the idea that the only option is to pirate, they'll pirate and blow it off. They become more brazen and fearless... and they'll eventually get caught if they don't reign themselves in. I'd rather have a bunch of kids eager to start playing with ANY graphics applications be able to do so legally and be excited about it.

I understand that you aren't some kid, I know you're working through it. The point is that it's still stealing, and kids need to understand that. That's why I always keep saying... subtlety and respect is the most important thing to keep in mind if you're going to pirate software.

Allright... I'll get off my soapbox now and try to stay off it. Sorry for being so preachy.
you are right in principle, but to me, pirating photoshop and finally being able to pay for it one day, is about as bad as driving 75 mph. Or being late on your taxes. Or jaywalking. Or parking for 45 minutes in a 24 minute zone.

Crimes which are all much smaller than prostitution.
Well, I found this website that would sell you the design collection of Adobe Illustrator 10, Photoshop 7, InDesign 2, and Acrobat 5 for $350. One catch - you have to be a student. I think it's an awesome deal. It's on

That's a paycheck to me so that's worth it. :) I know I mentioned something about students being broke. But if they are - they can ask their parental units to get it for them or something. :)
ummm, what was the original topic here?

It's amazing how bloated these threads become. If you don't approve that's your prerogative. Please don't spend three pages prosthelizing users.

For the sake of all users and the purpose of this site please keep content and suggestions limited to those the thread was created for. If you feel that strongly about the subject create a thread in Mac News Rumors and Discussions or Opinion: Reviews and Open Letters.


To get back on track. I believe if you disable the web part of the Photoshop installer it might not be able to check the web for validity of the serial key.

Look around the forum or download sites for information on how to do this.
another person offering a bit of advice on debating, morality, which loosely disguises a possible way to get round paying for software.

So your advice is to get back on track and simple state the same as has been stated in the very first post. Are we on a reciprical loop here or something?

Quote:<b>'For the sake of all users and the purpose of this site please keep content and suggestions limited to those the thread was created for. If you feel that strongly about the subject create a thread in Mac News Rumors and Discussions or Opinion: Reviews and Open Letters.' </b>

... sorry Mr Admin!
If GraphicConverter doesn't have layers, it's because you didn't pay for such technology. So pay your software and you'll get illimited layers.

If none of your friends do computer work, then make some new friends and pay your software and don't give the most pathetic excuses you can imagine, finishing on a "I'm a poor guy telling you his story, you should cry at that point."

Don't you think you people who pay their software that this thread should die ? If you do, then post anything anywhere else. If you don't, go on.

But I'll stick to my point: people who talk about, or who excuse, hacking, these people have reasons to worry about what their computer contains. And I find NO excuse to these people.

Last but not least: Linux GIMP has the layers you need, Nummi. It's free in Mandrake 8.2 (ISO image downloadable for free too).
ha hahahah you people are so full of hatred.

Just chill.

You're like Adobe's guardians, more like their b*tches.

Face it. Anything in digital format will be exploited.
While I publically dont agree with piracy...what does 9/11 have to do with it ? :p

btw --> I do not remember what thread I found this in. but was a really good site :D I love it ;) "cheap" stuff for us college students ehehehe ;) -- NOw I think I can afford a photoshop upgrade ;)