new adobe thread - expired serial number

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
Hmmm... I better erase all my personal info from the web then :p
Good luck. It's relatively easy to prevent your personal info from being on the web from this point forward, but it's really hard to remove any info that is already out there.
Irrespective of the content of this thread, we openely debated this issue, finalising in both of us seemingly letting things be, respectively.

You have shown your immaturity with your last couple of posts.

Quote: <b>'awhhhhh pooow baby'</b>...

Says more about you than me fella;) We've had to listen to your bleeding-heart student teenage-angst routine the whole thread.
Originally posted by uoba
Irrespective of the content of this thread, we openely debated this issue, finalising in both of us seemingly letting things be, respectively.

You have shown your immaturity with your last couple of posts.

Quote: <b>'awhhhhh pooow baby'</b>...

Says more about you than me fella;) We've had to listen to your bleeding-heart student teenage-angst routine the whole thread.

Actually your nazi-ist views about all this led me to get super annoyed with you and say awhhh poow baby, which says a lot about you, too.

And I'm only talking about private use. I'm not talking about companies. I'm talking about a broke kid, that wants to learn graphic design, and gets his hands on photoshop. It's just a way to get ahead in this world.

The same way George Lucas snuck into a Hollywood studios when he was a nobody, and set up an office without permission. Eventually they found him out, but by then people knew of him and let him stay. (Something like that)

If you can't handle a completely impoverished, broke kid, with broke parents, and the only hook up he can get is some free software, and you can't handle that, then go back to your 1944 nazi germany.
Don't even dare to compare me to a Nazi. Obviously you have little experience with people with whom that term has affected their lives. I would like to hear other peoples views about that Nazi reference on here by the way? Anyone?

Not that it is your concern but I have been poorer than you will ever be (that includes no home let alone a car!, you spoilt juvenile).

Guess what, I used to do drugs in the hey-day of illegal parties in the UK, but if I went round telling people about my constant nosebleeds because of amphetamine abuse, what do think the answer would be? Okay, that's more severe than your petty problem, but since you've flogged the broken family thing, it seems to be your level.

As I have constantly expressed, but you seemed not to bother taking in, I DO NOT give a damn about the fact that you use unlicensed software, it was your moaning that it didn't work.

I will nicely ask you to edit the derisive comments yourself this time. next outbreak and you go on report. nuff said.
I'm just as poor as you were. I'm only lucky my mom let me live in her house. If she didn't guess what I'd be a bum on the street. Or working minimum wage barely paying 300 dollars for rent with 10 room mates. So I know what it is to have zero money, no money available from ANYWHERE. FLAT BROKE.

And if you did drugs, who cares? The fact that you're still alive is all that matters. But if I told you that it was wrong, and completely shut out my mind to any reason why you might be doing drugs, then I would be the nazi-ist like guy. Of course it's much harder to explain drugs than pirated software, but you never know.

And if you don't like the term nazi I'm sorry. My grandparents were killed by nazis, I don't give a crap if someone says "nazi". It's just a term that means someone with a completely closed mind. I hope you didn't throw a fit when Seinfeld used the term "soup-nazi" in one episode. It's just a term.
Solrac you've got some life story building up there... didn't you fight back from a terminal illness as well?

And when you refer to going back to 1944 Nazi, I think you make your meaning clear. Again you give an over simplistic excuse for your ignorance.

Quote: <b>And if you did drugs, who cares? The fact that you're still alive is all that matters.</b> ...don't patronise me fella, I stated 'recreational'.

NOTE: Sorry Ed, duly done.
Yeah I died from cancer and came back to life.
Nazi is nazi whether or not the year 1944 is specified
and recreational or heavy use, you can still die from drugs
"You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, out Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!" :D
oh yeah? Maybe you didn't know, but I have no arms, or legs. Or torso. I am just a head. I have a life support machine attached to me and I wheel around on a little mechanical chair. People constantly torture me and make fun of me, even old ladies that happen to see me. They crouch over my little mechanical chair and urinate on me. Everyone hates me! How I wish I could live your life of luxury and pleasures. If only I had a body with which to feel the thrashing of a belt :o :o :o
I'll respectfully ask Ed to <b>close this fudging topic</b> at this point.

Ed, please, nothing good is coming out of this thread. The Mac OSX forums always feature, as a top-in-the-list topic (because two people are making it live), a topic where anyone can read about piracy, drugs and solrac's personal psuedo-life. As a moderate user (I don't consult this forum every day) and as a user of many other forums (DTP, scuba…), I'd like to tell you that <b>the quality of this forum is decreasing at each post on this stupid thread</b>.

As co-moderator, you are responsible for the quality of this forum. I hope you won't let this thread last any longer.

(This part may be more/too personal, chop it off if you don't find any utility to it).
solrac, the simple fact you <b>thought</b> of evoking nazism on this thread shows you're a complete and mean idiot. The word 'inane' does fit in your case — "I'm thick but I can't help it".
uoba, please, there's nothing wrong in your posts, but leave this solrac moron alone. He doesn't deserve you pressing a submit button.

I hope I've made only one enemy here :).
I'm French and know <b>a bit</b> about nazism (and about euphemism too ;)). And solrac has gone WAY too far.
I think this thread will die a natural death now, Ed's been in touch and weaved his magic way, I've called a truce with Solrac, and as you can tell by the thread, it's getting kinda silly stoopid now.

So, I officially call my resignation to this thread from hereonin:D :D
Glad to have confirmation of your 'forum wisdom', uoba :D. I'm posting for the last on this one too.
toast, stupid threads live longer because you came in here to complain about it thus, bumping it to the top, and now I'm replying to you to tell you this and it gets bumped to the top again!!!! This is the way the vBulletin system is programmed! You can't complain about that!!!!!!!!! They should add a "stupid thread" button that a moderator can click on, and then when people reply it doesn't get bumped up. But until then, it's ultimately brain dead to complain about thread staying alive.

And uoba... i forgot to tell you... i have no eyelids ;)