New profile posts

Thanks for your thoughtful past posts.

I have PowerMac G4, 1.25Ghz PowerPC, 1.25GB Ram, OSX 10.3.9, and want to use my HP 5300c. I installed HP Image Zone Ver 9.1.2 that at least on the surface seemed to install the drivers. I am able to see the device on USB through both System Profile USB and Tech Tool pro 4. I suspect an HP driver installation problem or incorrect Driver /compatibility issue. Any thoughts on what you did to get your HP ScanJet 5300c to work with your machine. I last used the HP 5300c with my iBook G3 under OS9, though that was a pain due to CP conflicts - Luckily I still use conflict catcher. Any insights would be appreciated. My email address is

Thanks in advance for your comments and insights. Mac Advocate.
No problem. I'm glad I could help, and I'm glad that you nailed him to the wall. :D
Thanks :) I just caught that spammer. I banned multiple of his "personalities" and his IP range is gone too. Ha.
Hi Cheryl, well I got in finally, I kept getting redirected to a page that Safari could not access. But I will see what happens from here on.
I did get my Email to work so that's OK. I will now see about the rest.

Thanks a ton/
Stuart (Real Name too)

I saw your post ] and I am currently trying to figure out how to write a search string that will search and add Final Cut Pro (.fcp) files via Mozy's backup sets. So far I found a lot of information about Spotlight's meta data searching but it seems I can't find where to locate FCP file's kMDItemKind value.

I was wondering if you found any information of the sort in your own searches or experience? I must admit I am no programmer so I am just trying to logically put this all together.
do u know how the hell to reset the admin password without any installation discs, ive tried following the directions as posted on here yet it says command not found when i reach a certain point... qny help would be much appreciated
Hey sorry, I didn't get a reply back from you
But it's a retail disc.
My thread was about Parallel if you don't remember.
You posted a questions concerning a problem with sending email. It appears you have found a solution however, I am experiencing the same exact error. Can you please email me with the solution you found?
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:

At line 55 of file "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver
ReferenceError: dwscripts is not defined


and then...

Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
The following translators were not loaded due to errors:
ASP.NET.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.
Date.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.
JSP.htm: has configuration information that is invalid.


please help me with this error.
Thanks for the friend request! (lol - hey! someone cool likes me!)(grin)
Hi Albert,
First of all, thank you for posting ribbon131 font! I tried to download your attachment, but I'm not sure what I am doing wrong/what I need to do. I am soooo not tech-savvy, can you please help me get ribbon131 font on my IMac? Thanks! ~Lauren
I would treat this like most problems with apps that suddenly appear.
Go into the preferences folder. In this case, Printer Master prefs would be in your classic System Folder/Preferences. Dump the Print Master prefs in the trash, then relaunch Print Master, and see if that simple trick has helped. Print Master will create a new preference file when you next launch it...
Thanks for the advice on the PrintMaster 4.0. I have the other program also. I teach school and have print shop and Print Explosion. I just Like PrintMaster better. I will try to figure it out, Maybe reinstall? thanks again.
Ho visto che hai confermato su FB e LI. Ci ho messo un bel po' a scovarti! Cosa ne dici del mio Google-Fu? :-)
Allora mandami un'invito..? :) (manda un pm se non mi trovi altrimenti..)