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Did you ever find a solution to the problem below. I see the same pattern using Outlook 2007 on pc and entourage. Messages fro exchage servers work fine.


8/17/2005 6:42:28 PM Question about Outlook meeting invitations and Entourage

I've got a question about Outlook users sending meeting invitations to

an Entourage user. Is an Exchange server required for Entourage to

recognize the meeting invitation as an actual invitation so its

calendar can be updated?

I can send meeting invitations from Outlook users to other Outlook

users and when the recipients open the invitation e-mail, the "Accept"

button is enabled and the meeting can then be added to the recipient's


When an external Outlook user (from a customer of the company for

example) sends an invitation through an Exchange server to my Entourage

user, Entourage recognizes the invitation and the user can update their

calendar. When an internal Outlook user sends an invitation _without_

an Exchange server being involved, Entourage doesn't recognize the

invitation and I noticed the mail headers didn't contain a

"text/calendar" part.

Is an Exchange server required in this case?







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I have an iMac G5 (Power PC) with OS X version 10.4.11. I also have an Epson Stylus Color 1160 printer and an Epson Stylus Pro 3800 printer. Last August I lost access to the Utilities in my 1160 driver meaning that I could not make nozzle checks or cleans. I was emailed a lengthy procedure from Epson that would overcome the problem. Expecting this to take some time, I delayed following the advice until yesterday. Apart from the inaccessible Utilities for the 1160, both drivers were working OK. As instructed by Epson, I removed both printer drivers and first reinstalled the 1160 driver but my Printer Setup Utility could not find it. After several fruitless e-Talk sessions with Epson I contacted Apple. They told me that I had been doing everything correctly but they discovered (through Google) that the driver for the 1160 does not work with OS 10.4.11. Knowing that I had been able to use an Epson driver before I discovered through Google that a later version was available on the American Epson site. I downloaded this and the 1160 worked fine with access to the Utilities as I needed. I then reinstalled the 3800 driver but when I attempted to use it from Photoshop it did not give me the Print Settings and Color Management options that I need. I still have these options with the 1160. I have tried everything I can think of to resolve this problem and now I have even lost the access to the 1160 Utilities again. I have run the Disk Utility First Aid many times. It shows an ever-increasing list of Permissions (all problems related to Epson) but although it 'repairs' them when I verify again they are still there. I seem to be creating more problems rather than solving them. Can anyone help please?
Hey I'm sorry to just contact you out of the blue, but I saw your post on turning a terminal command into an executable file and it was the only thing even close to what I've been looking into for days.

I'm trying to solve what I thought was a simple problem but is now looking very difficult. I have 1,000+ wallpapers I have shuffling through the Leopard 10.5.x built-in wallpaper tool. Sometimes an image comes up I no longer want, and I want to be able to click a button, see the file in finder, and delete it. Apparently this is nearly impossible.

The closest I've come is a terminal command someone on the Apple Discussion boards worked up for me, which looks like this:

defaults read Background |grep -m 1 LastName | awk '{print $3}'| sed -e 's/;//g' | sed -e 's/"//g'

That returns the name of the file, which I can then Spotlight search to delete. It's a workaround but it works... except as I'm not a programmer at all, I don't know how to turn this terminal command into an executable app. Can you help me out?

Ideally Automator could not only find the filename but spotlight search it as well (though I'd prefer to do the actual deleting myself), but if I could click something and have it run that terminal script that would be pretty damn good.

If you're interested, I had a solid discussion going at AskMetafilter on the subject where people were trying things in AppleScript, but while they managed to call up the most recently manually selected wallpaper, they were unable to call up the currently displayed wallpaper. That thread is here:

Thanks for any help you can give me, I really appreciate it!
how can i log on as admin on my imac 10.4.9 as i can only use standard account that aint good eeh i was robbed on please````/?xx
help me out please i have an imac and want to administrate on it as no one ever gave me the admin password please ,please
I was loading photoshop cs3 on my powerbook g4 and the whole lap top died on me and won't come back up what can I do?
Hi sam90802

We are facing the same problem you described: our website works if viewed with firefox or safari and not with Internet explorer. Can you kindly tell us how you fixed it? Thanks in advance.
I am trying to set up an account with AIM , with my mac: OS X 10.4.
I use "mail" and it isn't receiving mail confirmation letter from AIM set up account. Need mail to be sent. It has link for confirmation of account.
I appreciate your remarks. I try to inform... The 'helpful' part is sometimes harder to provide, especially when the help offers some bad news (...I think you have a bad hard drive... or, you need to spend a pile of money because you spilt red wine into your MacBook! ) BTW, don't spill red wine into your Mac, it's a killer!
i have a new airport extreme and then in the back I want to "extend the network" with my other airport extreme so i can plug the printer into it for wireless printing