Search results

  1. S

    .htaccess Authentication using Unix users/groups?

    Apache's .htaccess functionality comes from an Apache module named mod_auth. Linux systems typically use PAM, which stands for Pluggable Authentication Module. On these systems you'd need a module that hooks into PAM. In fact there is a mod_auth_pam module. In order to get Apache to do...
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    Default browser in Panther

    I just tried it. It works perfectly! I've submitted it to Mac OS X Hints for the rest of the community to enjoy!
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    Default browser in Panther

    Apple's idea is that Safari should be our one-stop location for all-things-browsery. The unfortunate result is that every other browser is probably going to add a default browser option to their preferences just to be consistent. For this reason alone it's a bad precedent. We'll just have to...
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    Aqua-style finder is back?

    You can also command-click the toolbar button to cycle through toolbar appearance settings.
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    Default browser in Panther

    This seems to mirror the way Windows works. Internet settings are in Explorer. Keep an eye out for third-party freeware that lets you set these in a preferences panel (i.e., the venerable old Mac Way).
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    can't boot because of panther install

    Damaged installer disk? Have you tried the disk in another machine? Try making an image of the disk and burning a new one. It could still be RAM related, so you might try yanking RAM and see what happens.
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    losing ical & address book data

    Disk damage, definitely. Back up what you can and run DiskWarrior on your drive.
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    >console gone?

    I just tried it: it worked. I changed the Accounts preferences Login Options to display the "Name and password" login window, logged out, and entered >console with no password. There it was in all its glory. Did you do a clean install, an archive install, or an upgrade install? You might need...
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    LGPL Question

    The gist of the LGPL is that you are allowed to distribute a copy of the library (if it's a library) with your program and soft-link against it provided that you include a copy of the license and provide links to the source code of the LGPL'ed portions. You don't have to provide the source...
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    Single-click keeps menus open?

    I can confirm this problem too. It's existed for a few versions of the system now. Originally I thought it was being caused by Unsanity's FruitMenu, but I've seen it even without FruitMenu enabled. I haven't tried disabling Application Enhancer altogether, so this might be the cause. On my...
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    Many Lost Preferences

    Sorry to pick on you, arden. I like to see my name in lights as much as the next guy, but your frequent vapid posts just peeve me. I'll just add you to my ignore list and move on.
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    Many Lost Preferences

    The PRAM battery will not affect the settings mentioned. It stores very little. Just enough to boot up and get the screen going, basically. I don't have a definitive answer for you either, msagal, but let me share a little anecdote. I recently lost a bunch of preferences because I thought it...
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    Please Help!

    Check out this blog. I found this in under two minutes using this Google search. I find Google to be a really useful tool for finding information, often much more quickly than through this forum where some users post empty dross just to pass the time.
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    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    My Dual G4 (LucidMac): Techno Trance Ambient Dub My iBook (AlbinoMac): iTen iNine iSpace iMore My iPod: Albino Groove
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    Somewhat aggresive script

    Under Mac OS X I've never been able to use the Record option with the Finder, but the stuff recorded in Mac OS 9 will play back correctly in Mac OS X. I actually have some AppleScripts that are called by my freeware program "XFolderSets" which is a REALbasic program. The scripts are...
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    How to hook up my turntables to my mac?

    Here are a couple search results, formatted with links: The Griffin iMic (USB-only, requires an RCA to 1/8" adapter, $35) Formac Studio DV (Firewire, also does video, has RCA connectors, $250) FireWire 410 (Firewire, bus-powered, in/out, MIDI, $400 (on sale)) The MBox (Audio in/out...
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    Steve Jobs Quotes

    I can remember two... but I can only paraphrase. "You've been working in HR? I can't stand HR people." "Are you a virgin?"
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    Xserve or no?

    What kinds of services do you want to run on your webserver? The reason I ask is that I think Apple computers are just too cool to waste on webservers unless you really need to do Mac OS X-specific things on the server. Even if you want to do iDisk-type stuff you can still make do with a...
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    Make my windows transparent!

    Some programs allow you to change the window's transparency, such as Terminal. Most don't The reason is perhaps that such features are generally not widely necessary, and are more flash than substance. The fact that a single haxie is all that's required to get transparent windows for the small...
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    Problem With Itunes

    iTunes allows you to change the location where your MP3s are stored. Does your hard drive have only a single partition? Do you have more than one hard drive? If so, create a dedicated folder on a larger drive/partition and put your MP3s there. Then set your iTunes preferences to the new...