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  1. markpatterson

    Combo update panicked, now everything is slower

    Hi! I had all my software up-to-date, 10.2.4, and I was getting a few kernel panics. The Mac forum recommended using the combo installer, so I tried that, but it kept panicking, at about 10% of the optimization. I eventually gave that up and sent the log to Apple. But now everything...
  2. markpatterson

    How to get panic report?

    I'm getting a number of panics. The advice from this site was to install the combo updater. But that kept causing kernel panics, when at 10% optimization. It's a pain to get kernel panics, because I can't make outrageous claims to my MS-head colleagues. Anyway, I found it in...
  3. markpatterson

    How to get panic report?

    Hi, I wanted to report a kernel panic which I think was provoked by Camino. The ADC bug report page requires the panic report. Where do I find that? And what is the crash report it referred to?
  4. markpatterson

    How to do accented characters?

    Giaguara, aren't the alt and option keys the same? They are on my ibook. So how do you get alt-e to be euro € and option-e e to be e acute é?
  5. markpatterson

    How to do accented characters?

    I tried key caps and that was fun, showed me a few more symbols, but not the famous euro. How do you do that?
  6. markpatterson

    How to report OS bugs?

    But it would take me the rest of my life to become a kernel hacker ;) . I'm just a humble database application developer, using Delphi which shield me from the mess underneath. Not that I'm saying that Darwin is such a mess, but even so, much as I'd like to it's a bit beyond me.
  7. markpatterson

    How to do accented characters?

    Well, this is a mac, isn't it? It's option c for c cedilla, and opt shift c for capital c cedilla. So, I can now address Françoise the Niçoise in her own alphabet
  8. markpatterson

    How to report OS bugs?

    But I had a screen shot ready and they have no place to add attachments. is better than that.
  9. markpatterson

    How to do accented characters?

    I like that system. Much easier to memorize. The only thing left that I'm likely to need is cedilla, a little tail-like mark that the french use to keep c soft before something other that i,e or y.
  10. markpatterson

    How to report OS bugs?

    I recently noticed a bug in finder, to do with dates. Poking round the site there doesn't seem to be a central bugzilla type location to report bugs. Is there some recognized way to provide this kind of feedback?
  11. markpatterson

    How to do accented characters?

    I got used to the alt + ASCII trick on Win D'Ohs to get various values about 127, expecially french accented letters. How do you do that on an ibook?
  12. markpatterson

    How to burn an ISO?

    Thanks, I finally got around to doing that with Mandrake 9.1 RC 1. And it's now installed on my PC.
  13. markpatterson

    Any dev groups in Brisbane?

    Hi, I'd like to get into Cocoa programming. I'm currently a Delphi programmer. Are there any apple developer groups or forums that meet in Brisbane?
  14. markpatterson

    How to get JPEG rather than PDF files in Jaguar screenshots?

    In reply to ianfinity, I mainly use screen shots as attachments to emails, and most of the screenshots I see are on the web. For that use JPEG or PNG would be more applicable. Acrobat / PFD is not as good in those cases.
  15. markpatterson

    How to get JPEG rather than PDF files in Jaguar screenshots?

    It seems that command-shift-3 was changed to make PDF files, which I don't know how to edit. Is there some option to make it generate a different kind of file? Everyone else seems to use JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs. I wonder why the change was made?
  16. markpatterson

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    Hey, that made the angle brackets look correct. What I actually type was <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
  17. markpatterson

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    So it turns out, unfortunately for community discussing objective C. In Mozilla Composer I find angle brackets are given like this <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> Anyway, G3-Joel, I tried adding the extra imports as you suggested, but still got that error. Thanks for the help. Any other ideas? I'd...
  18. markpatterson

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    Nope, that failed Anyway, Cocoa/Cocoa.h does actually appear between angle brackets after the import
  19. markpatterson

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    There is goes again! the import statement must mean something in this html. I'll try this, to show what is in the import statement: import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
  20. markpatterson

    I'm falling at the first hurdle in Project Builder

    You're right, I don't know how that came across. It has /* ConverterController */ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> in the actual code.