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  1. djackmac

    Macbook shuts down when watching Youtube

    Looks like a GPU issue or else one or a heat issue. Possibly one or both fans is not functioning or excessive dust buildup inside the heatsink vents and fans. This more than likely applies to you.
  2. djackmac

    Bluetooth problem

    Sounds like a failing BT card. Best way to test is to try another card. If its under Applecare take it to an authorized repair center. If its out of warranty, you can do the same but it will cost some money to have it verified.
  3. djackmac

    having some serious issues...

    So, in short what MisterMe is saying is you are looking at a machine with even maxed out RAM, can still only run a newer version of OSX that is still two (close to three) versions old. With what he mentioned it will need (RAM and OS10.4.x retail installer), you still have a couple hundred bucks...
  4. djackmac

    How to test a G5 power supply

    Its a June 2004 so it should be able to run one processor at a time.
  5. djackmac

    having problems downloading from the internet

    The whole problem is that the OP is using 10.3.9 and trying to install probably a current version of Firefox along with current versions of other software. There is no use trying force a square peg into a round hole so to speak.
  6. djackmac

    USB HD only mounts when OSX booted in safe mode

    I'd imagine its something wrong with the actual circuit board of the external HD enclosure itself. The best way to really know for sure is to remove the drive from the enclosure itself and put the drive into a usb/firewire dock and see how it acts. You can always purchase another HD enclosure to...
  7. djackmac

    Macbook Pro won't power up

    Which model Macbook Pro is it? Looks like the NVidia GPU symptom.
  8. djackmac

    USB HD only mounts when OSX booted in safe mode

    Try to do a disk utility repair on both partitions of the external while safe booted and see what happens then post the end result (turns out ok, repaired successfully or repair failed).
  9. djackmac

    weird screen on Disk Select Boot (opt) any ideas what it means?

    If its not a retail version of 10.5 it won't boot it.
  10. djackmac

    Can OS X display I/O from an external drive?

    Activity monitor in the utilities folder.
  11. djackmac

    safari quit unexpectedly

    library/internet plug-ins. Then delete the appropriate plug-in.
  12. djackmac

    Dead imac g5

    Do you mean optical disk? If so just remove the 3 gold Phillips screws that secure the optical in the machine, then pull the optical drive out. Then its just a matter of 3-4 more small Phillips screws to take the optical drive apart and remove the disk.
  13. djackmac

    Help restoring a non time machine backup.

    Looks like they just did a drag and drop backup, so migration assistant won't do anything with that. You'll have to drag and drop the contents of the individual folders inside your user folder to the individual folders on the new user account. That means taking everything inside the pictures...
  14. djackmac

    Access problems - Changing a Time Capsule Disk (USB) to Direct Connection

    Click on the drive, hit command+i keys to bring up the info window on the drive. Under sharing and permissions select "ignore permissions on selected volume."
  15. djackmac

    Issue with the display on macbook

    There is no known screen issue with the macbooks. It seems like a loose LVDS cable. Pressing on the middle of the botto case is about where that cable connection to the logic board is. You'll have to find someone who knows how to take apart Apple laptops proficiently to check the connections.
  16. djackmac

    Mac Mini keeps crashing... Heat?

    So you are complaining because you can't get something for nothing? I'm a certified Apple tech and had a fix, but I'll keep to myself now..You can take the flying leap.
  17. djackmac

    Mini late 2009 kernel panics and AHT error code

    Also 2 drives are going to generate more heat then the Minis little single fan is designed to dissipate. You may have to run the machine with the lid off permanently to provide adequate cooling. Might also want to run a portable fan on it while the lids off. Especially if you are trying to do...
  18. djackmac

    Stuck in remote control mode

    Or just try to start it without the keyboard plugged in..
  19. djackmac

    Ibook hard drive bad or ???

    Looks like a bad GPU.
  20. djackmac

    no startup sound no screen and no light?

    Check the power supply.