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  1. nixgeek

    upgrade OS 10.3 to 10.4.x on 2004 G5.

    Agreed with MisterMe. Unless you need to run apps in Classic, Leopard would be the way to go. I'll be upgrading my iMac G5 to Leopard sometime soon since I really have no need to run Classic apps anymore.
  2. nixgeek

    Local network problem

    So you just give up without even considering that forums are not IM sessions with instant responses? Nevermind the fact that I posted a possible issue you may be having. That's OK,'s your choice to stay or not.
  3. nixgeek

    Local network problem

    Seems as though something might have changed on your Linksys router that is preventing file sharing between the Mac mini and the Power Mac. I would check your settings on there (DNS, firewall, etc.). Also, make sure that the settings on the new modem are consistent with that of the old modem...
  4. nixgeek

    Local network problem

    Please don't create duplicate threads. Stick to the one you created originally so that all answers are posted there. Creating duplicate threads only slows down responses to you, makes things inconsistent, and is frowned upon by the admins here...
  5. nixgeek word association!

  6. nixgeek word association!

  7. nixgeek

    The Apple iPad...

    LOL! :p My issues with the iPad (as well as the iPhone and iPod touch) are more philosophical, but I wanted to approach the device with an open mind. From a practical sense, it seemed to already duplicate a lot of what I had now, so the wow factor just wasn't there for me. Again, I had...
  8. nixgeek

    The Apple iPad...

    I finally got a chance to play with the iPad thanks to a coworker who got one as an early Mother's Day present. I didn't get to play too much with it, but I wanted to see how it felt. To me, it felt no different than using my iPhone. I launced a few of the apps and they do look nice. She had...
  9. nixgeek

    Os X asking for admin password to move files from finder to desktop?

    Just to throw this one into the mix, have you thought about running a Repair Permissions on your disc? That might have also fixed the permissions problems you were having in your home folder.
  10. nixgeek

    X1600 Artifacts??

    Is this 10.6 disc that you have a purchased retail version, or is it a system disc from another Mac? If it's the latter, then that might be why you're experiencing problems.
  11. nixgeek

    Upgrade question

    Yes, 10.6 will run on that so you should be able to purchase a copy with no worries.
  12. nixgeek

    Upgrade question

    Hi maxwas, You'll need to purchase a retail copy of Leopard (10.5.x) in order to install it on that iMac. The discs that come with specific Mac models only work with the models that they ship with. If you go to the Apple menu on the left and select "About This Mac," you can find out what iMac...
  13. nixgeek

    how do i eject a cd from my PowerMac8,2

    Reboot. Hold down mouse button after hearing startup chime. Disc ejects. ;)
  14. nixgeek

    Firefox 3.6 handling Ogg Vorbis

    If you reset the changes back to default, can you play ogg natively again in Firefox 3.6?
  15. nixgeek

    The ugly side of the Tiger

    There are some processor upgrades for the Power Mac G4, but in all honesty they're not really worth it. Best thing would be to max out the RAM, add a larger hard drive, and put the highest possible OS on it which would be Tiger 10.4.11. As for familiarity with OS X (specifically Tiger), check...
  16. nixgeek

    The ugly side of the Tiger

    I really wish for your sake that you had done a little research before buying the Mac that you did and the OS that you did. First, that Mac is VERY long in the tooth in terms of age and has been obsoleted by Apple a long time ago. Second, Snow Leopard will only run on Macs that have Intel...
  17. nixgeek

    Am I being too fussy?

    I'd have to agree with Doctor X on the PowerPC. Even some Linux distributions are dropping official PowerPC support, which saddens me because I did love the PowerPC platform. Most have already said it, but I have to agree that the $300 price for an iBook G4 is way too much. I would definitely...
  18. nixgeek word association!

  19. nixgeek word association!

    plane :p
  20. nixgeek

    Mac from 1984 running Mac OS X Snow Leopard...

    I wasn't suggesting to install it on a Mini-ITX motherboard, I was suggesting to make it as well-hacked as the Mac-ITX was, but using actual Apple hardware instead. Take the Apple hardware and make it look as good as the Mac-ITX does. I never implied to do exactly what was done in the Mac-ITX...