Herve's Bar & Grill

Wow...now I KNOW I shouldn't have taken that month long break from learning. :D

Contact me Mr. K!!!
I don't use iChat too much trip but next time I'm just messing around I'll fire it up and we can talk.
btw -- Has anyone been having a problem with the 'go to first unread post' buttons on the left of entries in the search for new threads? The little boxes with down arrows have been taking me to old posts, and not the newest ones. It's getting kind of annoying and I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.
ah merci chevy -- do you speak french? do you know any good resources that I could use just to further my french vocab? like french bulletin boards or newspapers? If there is a big story that I could read on cnn or bbc and then slog through in a french paper I could probably pick out most of the words, and I'm going to france this winter and staying 5 days as an exchange student. Might as well be able to communicate, n'est pas?
mr. K said:
I don't use iChat too much trip but next time I'm just messing around I'll fire it up and we can talk.
btw -- Has anyone been having a problem with the 'go to first unread post' buttons on the left of entries in the search for new threads? The little boxes with down arrows have been taking me to old posts, and not the newest ones. It's getting kind of annoying and I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

I've seen it too on and off. I wonder if it's a Safari thing. I don't think I've seen it at work using Firebird under Windows XP.
i've also been getting it. i think it has to do with the extended time for certain cookie expirations. scott is taking a few days off after all the time he's spent getting the new vb software working this well. i intended to bring this to his attention in a day or 2. but site discussion or donating members forums would be the place to get his attention on this sooner if you want.

it is annoying. but not near as much as some other things scott had to fix.
Yea, the new thread cookie thing is annoying .. like after seeing just Jaws seeing 6 pages of new threads .. feels like I rather do something normal now, like go to bed.. :D
I've been clicking 'mark all forums as read just before I leave and after I've read everything interesting and so far it seems to combat the problem.

"A study by scientists in the United States has found that a cup of hot cocoa is rich in powerful antioxidants.

Previous studies have also shown these chemicals, which can protect against a range of diseases and reduce the effects of ageing, are found in cocoa.

However, this latest study suggests cocoa may be richer in antioxidants than better known "healthy" drinks like tea and red wine." :D
Think I'll be getting a Power Book any moment now (if my luck holds).

Trying to stay at or under $2k (the less the merrier).

Anyone have any cons/pros about which 12" Power Book to get?

Want SuperDrive but think it may be overkill for the PowerBook? (maybe just buy a used drive for my G4 Tower instead).

I'm using it for Pro stuff and will almost always have a 2nd monitor handy so I'll get the VGA Adaptor too (whatever it's called).

Any thoughts? :)

And please don't tell me one's about to be released in the next month! I can't wait anymore! :p :)

Ok, please tell me if an updated one, or another one in my price range ($2k or under) is about to be released. I rather know beforehand than kicking myself later! :)
something is getting ready to go on with the laptops. notice the recent price drops. this always precedes something new and better.