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  1. GadgetLover

    Unix Mail App.

    Thanks for the scripts/mail info. I didn't know that.
  2. GadgetLover

    A little word about profanity

    I agree and will censor myself but ... I do find it troubling that no one discusses the "WHERE CAN I PIRATE THIS ILLEGAL PIECE OF SOFTWARE" threads but profanity is taboo?? I find threads that talk about TRUE 'hacking' or how to circumvent copyright law to be just as un "professional" as...
  3. GadgetLover

    Norton AntiVirus beta for osx

    Call (800) 441-7234 and tell Symantic that you need the revised CD that contains BOTH versions on it. They may charge you a handling fee but it's worth it for the convenience.
  4. GadgetLover

    Norton AntiVirus beta for osx

    All I can say is that I have the actual Symantic NAV 7.0 CD and it has BOTH on it. If you are an actual owner, you should have both versions (9 and X) on the CD. If you have an older CD (before they had the OS X version) then you should call Symantic and have them send you a new CD. I'll...
  5. GadgetLover

    [HOWTO] - Empty the trash of stubborn items
  6. GadgetLover

    Unix Mail App.

    Can someome please teach me about the Unix Mail app. I'd like to learn how to use it -- how to read mail with it, etc. I sometimes find that when my email app is running (Entourage) and I load the Terminal, the terminal reports that I have "new mail." (1) How does it know? And (2) how do I...
  7. GadgetLover

    Is your son a hacker!!!!!!!What the f***?

    Does your child use toiletpaper when using the restroom? Toiletpaper is a tool used by the leftist communist regime to exploit the tender nature of the planet Uranus. Do not fall for this feeble ploy to soften up our children -- make them use sandpaper, it will make real men out of them...
  8. GadgetLover

    Star Wars in your Terminal !!!!!!

    Awesome! But ... they've got "too much, time on their hands."
  9. GadgetLover

    Norton AntiVirus beta for osx

    NAV 7.0.2 for OS X already exists. The next release is now NAV 8.0 for OS X.
  10. GadgetLover

    Palm X HotSync for Entourage X

    OK, so here is the latest. I spoke to reps from BOTH Palm AND Microsoft today, and here is the info that they stated: (1) Palm claims that all necessary code to develop third-party conduits and/or applications for the Palm OS Platform -- whether on Wintel, Mac, Linux, whatever -- is freely...
  11. GadgetLover

    Norton AntiVirus beta for osx

    That's why I posted my Q ... I was expecting more from this "upgrade." I want the SafeZone feature buuutt.... that's steep for such a small improvement! :(
  12. GadgetLover

    Norton AntiVirus beta for osx

    OK, so this week Symantic released NAV 8.0 for OS X. I am considering upgrading from 7.0 and want to know what you all think. So far, it appears that the only new features are: "Norton AntiVirus™ For Macintosh® 8.0 is the world's most trusted antivirus solution for Macintosh systems. It...
  13. GadgetLover

    HOW TO STOP SPAM -- join the fight!

    That link provides useful information BUT it is not dispositive. Not all Spammers use successful avoidance methodology; some are spammers but not fraudulent -- in other words, it is still unsolicited junk mail fitting the definition of SPAM but is not false header info, etc. Thus, these...
  14. GadgetLover

    HOW TO STOP SPAM -- join the fight!

    Bounce Spam Script (cont.): ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <" & msgAddress & "> (reason: 550 5.1.1 <" & msgAddress & ">... User unknown) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to " & msgServer & ".: >>> RCPT To:<" & msgAddress &...
  15. GadgetLover

    HOW TO STOP SPAM -- join the fight!

    Bounce Spam Script: (* Bouncer Copyright 2001, Glenn L. Austin All rights reserved worldwide. Bounces mail to the sender in the following format: >Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details > > The original message was received at «smtpReceivedDate» > from...
  16. GadgetLover

    HOW TO STOP SPAM -- join the fight!

    Thanks to Allen Watson for providing the following AppleScript ( Report Spam Script: tell application "Microsoft Entourage" -- get the currently selected message or messages set selectedMessages to current messages -- if...
  17. GadgetLover

    HOW TO STOP SPAM -- join the fight!

    First, join!! It is awesome! I use it DAILY. They offer a "free" spam reporting service that has basic functionality and "pay" services for more robust spam handling and reporting. Second, in conjunction with SpamCop -- in fact, to use SpamCop (once you've registered) -- create...
  18. GadgetLover

    Why the AOL and Netscape hating?

    Actually .... that's not entirely accurate. the general use of the term 'fake internet' or 'internet lite' with regard to AOL is NOT just the commercial (read: corporate) bullcrap that goes with it. [While I agree that AOL is Microsoft version 2 (and, believe me, AOL Time Warner has its own...
  19. GadgetLover

    Where's the new site?

    "Daddy, BlingBling keeps touching me; he won't stay on his side of the car! And he keeps making me look at his Windows XP machine ... I'm gonna get koodies!"
  20. GadgetLover

    root and users (once again)

    "Root" : it's not just a famous book (and movie of the week) or some kind of Canadian thing or a Turnup ... it's the thing that can transform a geek into ... well, an even bigger geek. Root. It's not just for breakfast any more. Yes, you CAN have your root and eat it too. If you...