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  1. D

    Starcraft on OSX

    Yeah, it has to be another Mac. Didn't an OS 9 cd come with OSX when you bought it or with your imac? Again try and get one off ebay.
  2. D

    Starcraft on OSX

    If you have another computer with an installed copy you can just copy the starcraft folder to your computer. That's what I've done numerous times. That has become a problem. Look on ebay for an os9 install cd.
  3. D

    Airport , PC, & college network

    Find some student who doesn't have a wifi computer and get them to sign up your mac address with their name.
  4. D

    Add a IDE hard drive from a PC ....?

    Sure, I did the same. Just pop it in and hook it up to the extra IDE hookup. Once it's in use Disk Utility to reformat the drive. Once that's done you should be ready to go.
  5. D

    syncing entourage with phone

    I set my dad up to do this using Jonas Salling's Mobile Sync ($25). It works very well as advertised. You can sync your entire Entourage addressbook or just a single group. It also syncs the calendar. My father uses an Ericsson...
  6. D

    FREE DUAL POWERMAC G5 1.8ghz!!!!

    Very cool! You did the right thing. Pat on the back for you!
  7. D

    Hard Drive/Disk Warrior problem PLEASE HELP!

    Sounds like the drive has serious problems. May have something to do with the partitioning. You can call disk warrior help desk at: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday Voice: +1-281-353-1510 I know it's an international call for you, but it might be your best...
  8. D

    Cannot wireless connect to cable modem

    You may need to update the firmware of your base station or install the most up-to-date airport software onto your imac.
  9. D

    Need Help Please, Powerbook 12"

    Try booting from the CD (hold the 'c' key down while booting). After booting from CD go to Menu and open Disk Utility. Run 'Repair Disk' after choosing the hard drive you want to repair. Also run repair disk permissions. If that doesn't fix it you could try a program such as Disk Warrior. If...
  10. D

    Cannot wireless connect to cable modem

    How is the iMac connected? Does it have an airport card installed or do you have it plugged into your wireless router/base station? We'll be glad to help. We just need some more information. Tell us more about your set up starting from the cable modem, including any routers/hubs, and then the...
  11. D

    17" iMac RAM installation

    Check out the link in my previous post. It has all the info you'll need to getting to the internal ram and replacing it.
  12. D

    17" iMac RAM installation

    Take a look at this:
  13. D

    17" iMac RAM installation

    Look on the internet. I've seen instructions for installing ram in the other slot. The other ram is like PowerMac ram, not like the user accessible slot.
  14. D

    Panther - Sleep of Death!

    Yeah, I ran disk warrior, repair permissions, repair disk. I have Panther. (I need to update my sig). My computer is in my bedroom and I couldn't sleep with it on all night. So, it has to sleep.
  15. D

    Panther - Sleep of Death!

    Ever since I downloaded that last security update I've been having a problem with my machine when it goes to sleep. IT NEVER WAKES UP! Well, actually it just freezes when I put it to sleep. Screen doesn't turn off. Mouse disappears, keyboard is non-responsive, and screen is frozen...
  16. D

    iChat spam?

    You will get that when you are logged on to AOL and ichat at the same time under the same name. However I have been getting lots of AIM porn spam and it's pissing me off. It's as bad as my email...which really isn't that bad compared to some. But its annoying as hell to come home at the end...
  17. D

    Comcast Faster!

    1555 kbps Comcast Nashville, TN I can't wait for the boost in late december. They've got billboards here advertising that its "Now Even Faster."
  18. D

    keyboard sound control problem... HELP!!

    I suggest you upgrade to panther. If that doesn't fix the problem then you can call apple, since you just bought panther. Explain that the keys don't work. They can troubleshoot it for you.
  19. D

    Bluetooth Headset with iChat AV

    Voice quality is good till the battery starts going dead and then the other party has trouble hearing you. My father has the HBH-60 Ericsson. I like it alot. But it's not worth the price.
  20. D

    Before I install Panther..

    I personally think you only need one partition. As far as sparating it so you can do reformats you really don't need to worry about that since you can always do an archive and install. Just make sure you run some disk utilities like cocktail and you repair permissions often and you should be...