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  1. djackmac

    My Mac doesn't read my Iomega drive

    You will also probably want to repartition it to GUID instead of Master Boot Record. Otherwise you may have some strange problems, especially if you want to use Time Machine.
  2. djackmac

    Backup docs, emails, etc from dead macbook

    After loading the OS, create a dummy user with a different name than any user you had on the system. Mount the disk image, then go to applications/utilities/migration assistant and migration assistant will put everything back like it was, even your apps.
  3. djackmac

    iBook & eMac help

    The eMac will run 10.4.11. But with only a cd rom you'll have to make an image of a 10.4.6 retail installer onto an external HD and do a firewire install. This is unless you can target disk mode a mac to it that has a dvd rom or better. The ibook isn't worth it. Most are vintage and many I see...
  4. djackmac

    Backup docs, emails, etc from dead macbook

    You can also use disk utility to create an image of the drive. Just plug in your external HD to have a place to save the .dmg file.
  5. djackmac

    Constant beachballs in safari…what a dog.

    I'd suspect something in the user profile came across. What happens in another user account?
  6. djackmac

    no startup disk but i need to create disk image...

    Create a dummy user account on the iMac meaning an account with a different name than any of the accounts you are transferring from the G4. Also this account can be scrapped when the process is complete. You will need either a firewire 400 or firewire 400/800 cable depending on which firewire...
  7. djackmac

    cannot delete grayed out emails in imail

    Usually rebuilding the mailbox will get rid of those. Had one customer describe them as "ghosties". Just click on the folder/mailbox and select mailbox->rebuild. They should be automatically deleted.
  8. djackmac

    Email Backup error

    I'd suspect you improperly deleted the app. Many apps can just be dragged to the trash and deleted. But others actually have install/uninstall scripts that need to be ran to delete every instance of the app. The best thing to do is to re-download the app and possibly even re-install to see if...
  9. djackmac

    Grey screen requiring reboot due to switching users

    P.E.B.K.A.C error. Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
  10. djackmac

    Mac Mini stuck in boot loop!

    Once the directory structure is hosed, the drive may need a lot of software work to be done to make it bootable again. Some of the Intel Minis had a problem with Hynix RAM. But I don't think yours was one of those since you had one of the original Intel Minis.
  11. djackmac

    ibook g4 will not eject disc

    It very well could be the slot itself the disk pops out of. I've had to replace a few of those over the years. Sometimes they can be "widened" back. It requires removal of the optical drive because the piece is attached to the optical drive.
  12. djackmac

    Copying files between external discs

    There is a much better way to do this than drag and drop. Maybe you should consider a different method. What are you trying to achieve?
  13. djackmac

    Mac Mini stuck in boot loop!

    The HD was corrupted by the bad RAM. The HD may have not needed replacing, but considering the age of the machine and that being the original drive is was on borrowed time.
  14. djackmac

    DIY Failure

    Looks like bad RAM or it just not properly seated. Probably one out of every five to ten memory upgrades I do turns out a bad chip or one the works in one machine but not another of the exact same configuration.
  15. djackmac

    G5 won't start

    If the same RAM does work in 2 of the slots and is not posting in the other 2 it is more than likely the logic board. I've seen this on more than one occasion with these G5s.
  16. djackmac

    Airport Reception reduces to 2 bars.

    It would be nice to know the distances of all computers including obstructions like walls, floors, material of each from the wireless access point. Plus you need to check for interferences from other equipment that might be next to the iMac.
  17. djackmac

    Trouble with Microsoft Word 2008 - Version 12.2.8 (101117)

    Still need to check for updates for Office as well. Just because OSX is updated has nothing to do with Office.
  18. djackmac

    Trouble with Microsoft Word 2008 - Version 12.2.8 (101117)

    Seeing how you are running 10.6.2 when currently OSX is updated to 10.6.6, I'd bet its also been a while since you've ran any Office updates. Get OSX up to version 10.6.6 and run all of the Office updates and see if that helps.
  19. djackmac

    Mac Freezing

    Still could be a failing HD. First thing to do is to back up your important files. Another thing to try is to try or create another user account. Log into that account and try the browser(s) and see if it happens in that other account.
  20. djackmac

    iMac 2.4 Ghz, 24" intel duo 2 core doesn't boot

    Yes, something is overheating and causing the shutdowns. It actually could even be the power supply itself. Those fans speeds are much higher than they should be. I'd suspect either HD, PSU, or graphics card. I am a certified tech at an Apple shop. Since AHT is flagging an error the Apple...